Monday without colour - my entry for the #monomad challenge


It is not so important whether I like the work I do or not, but every Monday, at the beginning of the working week, early in the morning, there is not much color in front of my eyes...
And imagine how I feel today, when it's the Monday after the summer holiday...
Grass is not as green as it was two or four days ago. The sky is grey, although there are no clouds.

The basketball court is empty. There are no recreational players on it today...
Even the children's playgrounds have sunk into some greyness... There are not even neighbours who sit on this bench every weekend...

And where is everyone...?
Everyone is the same as me, this morning, at the beginning of this #Monomad Monday, at public transport stations, waiting to be transported to their jobs...

To the monitor and keyboard that will be my friends today...

And this wall clock, on which time seems to stand still, is my biggest enemy today.

Only at the end of the working day, when Monday in the office passed and when I went home from work, in the black and white world, the colors began to break through, first the bright ones, and for the next days, as the weekend approaches, all the other colors return into our lives...

Until next Monday...
