[Eng/Esp]Beyond the Horizon Más allá del horizonte


Paraha, A boy of six who was in grade 4 was a slow learner. Most teachers he came across were impatient with how slow he grasped what he was being taught. Everyone saw him as a dullard and this made him isolate himself from the other students. His parents Roi and Rosey tried their best to ensure he had the best education and employed a private teacher who taught him at home. His parents wanted him to become a doctor but his passion was far from becoming a doctor and no one really cared to ask him.
"If you study harder, you'll do better and someday become a doctor" his parents often tell him, encouraging him to study hard but that never sank deep into him.
In order not to provoke his parents whom he believed had sacrificed enough to see him become a better student, he tried to satisfy their desire.

When Paraha was in grade 6, a new teacher, Mr. Bright was employed. He realized Paraha isolated himself from the other students and tried to find out why
"He's a slow learner" one of the students aired out when he noticed the attention Mr. Bright gave to Paraha. He didn't say anything as he walked to Paraha,
"Is that true?" he asked. Paraha only nodded with his head down fumbling with his hands as he shy away his face.
"No one is a slow learner, we all have different ways in which he learns fast," Mr. Bright said to Paraha who still had his head down. "Meet me in my office after the class" he told Paraha then walked back and continued teaching.

photo source

After the class was over, Paraha went to Mr. Bright's office. After a few talks, Mr. Bright realized Paraha had a passion for art and he was good at drawing. He spoke with Paraha's family a few days later asking them to allow Paraha to study what he was passionate about. He showed them the art Paraha had drawn and they were amazed how beautiful they were.
"He may be slow in understanding other courses, butI realized he's fast in learning paintings and design. I'll advise you to allow him study art" Mr. Bright told Paraha's parents. After much convincing they agreed and allowed Paraha to choose the career he wanted.

Paraha was happy and Mr. Bright never failed to guide him through the process of learning. In their final year art competition, Paraha became the overall winner with a beautiful painting that left people who saw it in awe. No one ever believed Paraha would be good at something, but this perspective about him changed and his parents were truly happy they gave Paraha the opportunity to become who he had always wanted to become.

This is in response to the Contest by hispaliterario. Everyone is welcome to participate

Traducción En Español

Paraha, un niño de seis años que estaba en cuarto grado, aprendía lentamente. La mayoría de los profesores con los que se cruzó estaban impacientes por la lentitud con la que comprendía lo que le enseñaban. Todos lo veían como un tonto y esto lo hizo aislarse de los demás estudiantes. Sus padres, Roi y Rosey, hicieron todo lo posible para garantizar que recibiera la mejor educación y contrataron a un profesor privado que le enseñaba en casa. Sus padres querían que fuera médico, pero su pasión estaba lejos de ser médico y a nadie le importaba preguntarle.
"Si estudias más, te irá mejor y algún día serás médico", le dicen a menudo sus padres, animándolo a estudiar mucho, pero eso nunca lo caló profundamente.
Para no provocar a sus padres, quienes creía que se habían sacrificado lo suficiente para verlo convertirse en un mejor estudiante, trató de satisfacer su deseo.

Cuando Paraha estaba en sexto grado, contrataron a un nuevo maestro, el Sr. Bright. Se dio cuenta de que Paraha se aisló de los otros estudiantes y trató de descubrir por qué.
"Aprende lentamente", dijo uno de los estudiantes cuando notó la atención que el Sr. Bright le brindaba a Paraha. No dijo nada mientras caminaba hacia Paraha.
"¿Es eso cierto?" preguntó. Paraha solo asintió con la cabeza gacha, jugueteando con las manos mientras alejaba su rostro.
"Nadie aprende lento, todos tenemos diferentes formas de aprender rápido", le dijo el Sr. Bright a Paraha, que todavía tenía la cabeza gacha. "Nos vemos en mi oficina después de la clase", le dijo a Paraha, luego regresó y continuó enseñando.

fuente de la foto

Una vez terminada la clase, Paraha fue a la oficina del Sr. Bright. Después de algunas conversaciones, el Sr. Bright se dio cuenta de que Paraha tenía pasión por el arte y que era bueno dibujando. Unos días después habló con la familia de Paraha pidiéndoles que le permitieran estudiar lo que le apasionaba. Les mostró el arte que Paraha había dibujado y se sorprendieron de lo hermosos que eran.
"Puede que sea lento para comprender otros cursos, pero me di cuenta de que aprende rápido pintura y diseño. Les aconsejaré que le permitan estudiar arte", dijo el Sr. Bright a los padres de Paraha. Después de mucho convencer, estuvieron de acuerdo y permitieron que Paraha eligiera la carrera que quería.

Paraha estaba feliz y el Sr. Bright nunca dejaba de guiarlo a través del proceso de aprendizaje. En su concurso de arte del último año, Paraha se convirtió en el ganador absoluto con una hermosa pintura que dejó asombradas a las personas que la vieron. Nadie nunca creyó que Paraha sería bueno en algo, pero esta perspectiva sobre él cambió y sus padres estaban realmente felices de haberle dado a Paraha la oportunidad de convertirse en quien siempre había querido ser.

Esto es en respuesta al Concurso de hispaliterario. Todos son bienvenidos a participar


I love the thought you communicated here, indeed no one is a slow learner, we just learn differently. this is what most teachers and parents need to be aware of


That's true, and sometimes we need someone who's patient enough to discover this


We all learn at different paces. Some may grab knowledge faster while others take a while.
The new teacher was able to help the boy out by discovering what he was good at and advising his parents to let him follow his dream, thereby paving way for the greatness in him.



Yeah, through his help, his parents were able to understand this.


It’s giving the concert behind like stars on the earth🥹
You see those teachers who see the good in students when nobody else does? They deserve golden seats in Heaven



Excelente relato, nos muestra como nuestros prejuicios pueden opacar los verdaderos talentos de una persona. Felicitaciones.

Excellent story, it shows us how our prejudices can overshadow the true talents of a person. Congratulations.


That's true. It takes someone who sees beyond one's weakness to uncover their potential.
Thanks for stopping by
