Mistakes were made: But that's where the real learning begins


Mistakes are an inevitable part of life and growth, even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment. I have been there, that moment when I realized I have made a mistake, it was embarrassing, and discouraging, but that day shaped my life.

Even though I'm an introvert who rarely socializes and engages people, I talk to people when I feel comfortable around them. Sometimes because I feel hurt, and other times because I need to speak to someone. My mistake was trusting someone who I told my pains and worries to until I realized my so-called friend has someone he shares secrets with.

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Some years back in school I told a friend a secret no one knew about me and my family. This was because I was in pain and needed someone to talk to, not for a solution, but that the person should know what I was going through in silence. I felt at ease sharing my story, but then what was meant to be a secret was noise abroad in a few days. I was hurt. It was easy to handle stuff that concerns me, but that of my family made it more painful.

Even though it ruined me for a while in the area of trust, I developed resilience and strength over mockery. It taught me to value people's secrets because I realized how much it hurts and myself learned to keep secrets a secret, and share only that which I don't mind going viral.

Advice for people who have made mistakes in the past

Just simple advice for people who have made mistakes in life.
. Time heals all hurt, but learn from them
. Mistakes may be a minor present act that had prepared you to avoid a future one that may had destroy you
. Embrace mistakes, learn from them , and keep moving forward

This is in response to the Qc community contest on mistake. Everyone is welcome to participate


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to keep secret a secret, and share only that which I don't mind going viral

Ufff this was really good, and it's so true. We should only tell someone something if we don't mind that information becoming public knowledge because we cannot control what others do with the information we told them. And I am just like you, I keep secrets very well because I know how important the information they are giving me is and I know how much trust they have in me for them to tell me their secrets.

Mistakes may be a minor present act that had prepared you to avoid a future one that may had destroy you

Loved this one. Sometimes we think that what we are living is the worst thing that could have happened to us, without realizing that maybe, just maybe, it is something that actually saved us from something worse. But of course, we will never know for sure.


That's true, the fact that we don't know the future, conceal the beauty behind present mistakes
