Surviving Chaos

Every day is a chaotic day. We tend to struggle for meaning each day, and the more we give our whole, the more we watch things fall apart. Some define this as life, and just a few reach the end of the tunnel strong. Life is a journey of adventure with our eyes veiled to see what's before us, thus, we need more than just sight to survive the chaos and the shadows of calamities that cast their doom on humans. Those who live with the vision of the future live better than people who dwell in the past or present. In as much as the future is unknown, hope/faith is the only factor that gear our endurance capacity.

Faith in the past had been the substance that made many obtain good reports. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. To survive the chaotic world filled with turbulence, faith is the substance to hold on to. Believing in the unseen and things in their metamorphose stage. It doesn't seem like it's possible, but have faith. The present is cloudy and it seems as if it's your end. Hold on to faith that you'll be who you want to be in a few years to come. The best way to stay grounded is to put your gaze upon the future and not the present.

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Through faith the bible says, the worlds were frames, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Faith could be the creator of our destiny and the solution to remain sober and strong through the difficult stages of life. Through faith did people of old receive their promise, even though it tarried. No one stay strong for long if his gaze is shortsighted, look beyond the darked portion of the tunnel, look beyond the clouded airs, look beyond who you are in the present and you'll be able to take one more step ahead, and another until the veil is taken off our face and the future made bright.

Faith is required when things go bad. Faith that there's a world ahead that has a purpose for us, a world where we would no longer feel the sting of what we face in the present. A world that makes every of our present wrong right. This faith is what keeps me going, I have a faith that I was created for a purpose and whatever I'm passing through at the moment are mere smoke that would fade into the air sooner, this reassurance of a beautiful future in faith remains my strength.

To participate in the thoughtfuldailypost, Check out the prompt for the month

A shout to my @emreal, my partner in the dreemport double dreem collaboration


I think life is designed to have tough phases and that is not to kill us but to make us. A lot have died on the way because they gave up too soon not realizing that there is a glory lying ahead.
During this hard and difficult times only those who have faith can really tarry till the end.. because it's really not easy to keep going when it seems as if there is nothing ahead for you

I enjoyed this post sir, it's so thoughtful 🥰


Thank You so much. You've rightly said. Ahead lied a glorious future that we maj not see for now. Thanks for stopping by, appreciate your comment
