The art of competition: Turning rivals into motivation


Competition means to contend or strive for the same thing as another. It can be position, reward, prize, etc. There is healthy and unhealthy competition, mostly depending,,, on what the parties are seeking for and the means to which they push in achieving that which they strive for.

Daily we compete with others or ourselves to reach a goal, but it's one's dedication sometimes, that sets them apart. The only time I've tried to compete with someone was in my primary school. My parents had promised to buy me a bicycle if I came first in my class. Prior before the promise I do come first position, it was as if the position was reserved for me, but that year had a little challenge, a new girl was enrolled into our class who seemed to be brilliant too, she had intimidated me a day before when she answered a question that I couldn't and this made me realize the term with be tougher than I had imagined, so, I told myself to read times 2 in order to grab the gift promised by my parents.

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It was a healthy competition, and the both of us were prepared. She had enquired from other pupils who'd top the class and a few other details to help her prepare well. This competition motivated me to study hard. It would have been easier if my rival was a boy, but no, it was a girl and I always have this "men are head" mentality, so it made me study even harder. This period groomed me even better to read widely and at all times I was concerned to know what she scored, that of others didn't matter to me as long as I scored higher than her in tests and other assessments.

At the end, I realized the girl wasn't as tough as I had thought, she didn't even make it to the second or third position but fourth, but this period helped me learn and motivated me for more. However, I still didn't get the bicycle, my parents failed me on that part ,hahaha

Competition is good if it's healthy. As long as it's a competition that pushes you to grow, it's advisable to engage else, stay away. Unhealthy competition only leads to hatred and pain at the end, but healthy competition makes us grow and that's fine.

This is in response to the Qc community contest everyone is eligible to participate. Check it out and air your view on competition


I agree with you that competition is only good if it's healthy. Sorry about your bicycle. I think a lot of us were scammed by our parents while growing. I feel that was their own way of making us study harder.


Hahahaha. I think our parents had this same trick.


she had intimidated me a day before when she answered a question that I couldn't and this made me realize the term with be tougher than I had imagined

So basically we all have 3 options when we face competition:

  1. Let that fear stop us from achieving what we want
  2. Push ourselves to get what we want
  3. Keep everything as it is and accept whatever happens