The mysterious painter

He was only 6 , a mysterious painter he was called. People believed he was a reincarnation of Banjo, his great grandfather who was a painter. Adire grew up making paintings of cartoons since he was 3. Where he had learned such creative skill wondered everyone, and he became better with each passing day. His paintings were unique, it started with a rough sketch, making a mockery of colors until he was done pulling magnificent images that amazes everyone.

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However, Adire had one challenge, messing his clothes during painting, a habit people believe he had in common with Banjo.
"So what are you drawing?" His dad who stood at the door post asked as he watch Adire draw
"A cartoon for the children" he answered with a smile on his face.
His dad stood puzzled trying to make sense from the shades of colors he had painted randomly.
"It will come clean when I'm done," he added.
His dad smiled. He wasn't new to the rough work which suddenly comes clean and he was ready to support Adire anytime.

But one thing amazes him, his painting style, it was mysterious, always including red and oak blood color. Why he chooses such colors in all his paintings was strange and red often was the dominating color.
"Why is the red paint more" he finally asked the young lad who had been filling a point with the red paint.
"Banjo told me red makes painting beautiful"
An answer that left him paralyzed,

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