Thinker's corner: A Worthy Partner

The prompt for February said

How can we make ourselves the best partner for our significant other.

It's February, a month of love. What better way can we give out love when we've not first loved ourselves?. Whatever we desire, it's only proper that we first learn to give the same to others and that's why Christ first loved us and now expects us to love him in the same manner. My favorite definition of love from time past has been "Sacrifice" and this is all we need to complete the triangle of love.

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The prompt says, how can we make ourselves the best partner for our significant others?. Everyone desires the best, but fails to become one of the best themselves especially in the area of relationship. It's often a pile of demands. I want him or her to be this and that, but care less about working on themselves so they also can be a reflection of that which they desire from their partners. Love isn't all about taking, it's more about giving, and once everyone thinks in this direction, then there'll be a balance.

The best way to make ourselves the best partners is by developing ourselves with the virtues that makes one a good partner. If one has anger, he can work on himself to forgive and forbear offenses, or learn to be romantic if he isn't the type but knows his partner enjoys the romantic things in a relationship. He can also read books that uncover what the gender likes and learn to incorporate some of the traits in their relationship or marriage. The best way to make yourself a good partner is to become everything or partially everything your partner desires and this is what love is all about -sacrifice.

This is in response to the Contest on the thinker's corner by @kenechukwu97. It's still active for participation


This is interesting and also very precise.

It's a fact because even the most romantic person can find it hard to be in a relationship if he/she is with someone who doesn't fancy romance.

It explains why some people who are in love try to fine-tune themselves to suit the desires of their partner. It's interesting.


Yeah, the fine tuning is often necessary if one wants a happy relationship. Thank You for sharing your thoughts


This is very interesting. Short and precise. Being what you desire in a relationship is one way and also learning what the other wants and making sacrifices for that.

Well done.


Thank You balikis. I believe relationship is all about making sacrifices
