Beautiful white clouds in the sky of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

White Clouds.png

Greetings, pixel-loving adventurers, I am delighted to be able to count on your presence in another of my adventures in the Caribbean Sea! This time we will embark on a cloud hunt. And yes, you heard right, we'll travel the seas to photograph beautiful landscapes full of clouds, in order to participate in the weekly community contest which, in case you didn't know, has as its theme Cloudscapes.


As I was telling you, our journey begins in the Caribbean Sea, to be more precise at the entrance of the bay of “Gran Iguana”. These waters are usually calm and only small merchant ships sail through them, which is a good thing, since this tranquility allows me to choose the right angles for the photos. A curious thing that caught my attention is that in many photos there is a point where the horizon and the blue of the sky are mixed with the sea, and there it is easy to confuse the islets with clouds in the distance.


The sky was full of clouds, as usual, although it can also turn gray with the storms that sometimes bring sea thunderstorms. Although sometimes the storm and the rumbles come from the clashes between the Spanish and English ships, which with each shot generated small clouds of smoke that, although they are not real clouds, brought a certain fluffiness to the landscape.


Faced with the possibility of being trapped in the conflict, I decided to continue my search. After advancing a little, I reach some islets, which, although they had nothing special, caught my attention because on their sides I could see some familiar silhouettes. It turns out that in the distance there were some merchant ships that at first glance were visible and looked like clouds in the distance.


I continue sailing to Nassau to take a picture of it in the distance and on the way I have a kind of revelation. The point is that on a boat at sea, the clouds are with you all the time and you just have to look up. Of course, with the climate control on, because at sunrise and sunset they are almost imperceptible.


Tired of sailing, I decided to move my cloud hunting to the mainland and so I headed back to “Gran Iguana”. My goal when I got to the mainland was to make some captures of the cloudscapes of the island, but I remembered some specific points and I thought of doing something special.

It turns out that for personal reasons I was unable to participate in some of the past community contests and that made me feel a bit bad. So I decided to do a kind of homage to the past initiatives, showing some photographs related to the previous themes but with the presence of clouds in them.


The first reference would be, of course, the means of transportation, which, without a doubt, is my precious boat Jackdaw. Then follow some images of the island's dormant volcano, which is now a mountain and shows a beautiful view of the cloudy landscape.


Without moving from the place, I only had to lower my gaze a little and then these beautiful waterfalls were revealed before me, which in combination with the mountain and the clouds formed a beautiful landscape.


Taking advantage of the fact that I was on the mainland, I moved to the other side of the island to photograph some ruins, which were my entry point to this island on the mission that allowed me to become its owner.


These ruins are on top of a cliff and from there you can see both the coastal landscape and the island, giving us a perfect balance between sea and land. Although it may be just another one of the pile, I like to think that at one time it was something important, like a fortress or a settlement.


While I was looking for the best angles and the most beautiful views, I forgot that I had turned off the weather control so I could save the game progress, and it got dark. I thought about setting it to daytime once again, but decided against it to photograph a bit of the night sky and clouds in case there were any.


With this cloudy night sky, my cloud hunting in the waters of the Caribbean Sea would come to an end. I hope you enjoyed the trip, as well as capturing the cloudscapes. For now I say goodbye, but it won't be a goodbye, it will be a see you later, as I will be back very soon with more of my pirate adventures.



Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!


Cover page created in Canva

Translated by DeepL

published with ecency gif.gif


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I loved the realism that this game has with the sea, the clouds were very cool, thanks for participating.

Written by lionsaturbix
