[ENG-ESP] LOH Contest #228: My routine script🌸✨


Hello, hello🌸✨

I haven't been here for a while and, honestly, I missed it🥺 This community has a certain something, that feminine and powerful vibe, that allows you to get into confidence and comment small details of your life. So I'm back, promising myself that this time I'll be more constant, and give you certain confessions of my day to day😌

This time, the three questions proposed by @priyanarc caught me✨ As I was reading them I was answering them in my head, debating with myself aspects of my life as if they were going to reveal a secret about me. So, instead of choosing just one, I decided to go for all of them, to return firmly to the community. Because if life gives you interesting choices, why not take them all?💃✨

Tenía un tiempo sin pasar por acá y, sinceramente, lo extrañaba🥺 Esta comunidad tiene un no sé qué, esa vibra femenina y poderosa, que te permite entrar en confianza y comentar pequeños detalles de tu vida. Así que estoy de vuelta, prometiéndome a mí misma que esta vez seré más constante, y regalarles ciertas confesiones de mi día a día😌

En esta ocasión, las tres preguntas propuestas por @priyanarc me atraparon✨ Mientras las leía las estaba respondiendo en mi cabeza, debatiendo conmigo aspectos de mi vida como si fueran a revelarme un secreto sobre mí. Así que, en lugar de elegir solo una, decidí irme por todas, para regresar firme a la comunidad. Porque si la vida te da opciones interesantes, ¿por qué no tomarlas todas?💃✨


🌸If you could live in the world of any movie, which one would it be?🌸

I'll be honest: watching movies is my daily therapy (a psychologist tells you)🤭 Almost a daily one, as if they were vitamins for my soul. No matter the genre, year of release, or if I already know the dialogues by heart, it will always be one of my most comforting activities. And probably, I would end up living in a romantic comedy from the 90s or 2000s✨ Why? Because I refuse to accept that love can't be the way they paint it in these movies: handwritten letters, seductive glances in the rain, and a cute guy who, at the last minute, desperately runs to catch me before I catch my plane to another country.

Movies from that era have an enigmatic vibe. And although in my real life we already have comedy (and plenty of it😂), even drama, the touch of romance is still in the casting process. But yes, I would choose to be the leading lady in a movie where I meet my goals and have a character development looking regal and divine, with a Taylor Swift playlist at key moments, making the viewers laugh with the happenings, and, of course, the 90s guy looking at me like I'm the last hot chocolate on a rainy morning💖

Or, second option: I'd end up living in the world of Harry Potter✨ Learning spells and potions, with a pet magical cat (although, honestly, all cats are cats anymore). Basically, being a Hermione, but from Ravenclaw. Because, if given a choice, I'd prefer magic first, romance will come later🔮

🌸Si pudieras vivir en el mundo de cualquier película, ¿cuál sería?🌸

Seré sincera: ver películas es mi terapia diaria (se los dice una psicóloga)🤭 Casi una diaria, como si fueran vitaminas para mi alma. No importa el género, año de estreno, o si ya conozco los diálogos de memoria, siempre será una de mis actividades más reconfortantes. Y probablemente, terminaría viviendo en una comedia romántica de los 90s o 2000s✨ ¿Por qué? Porque me niego a aceptar que el amor no puede ser como lo pintan en estas películas: cartas escritas a mano, miradas seductoras bajo la lluvia, y un chico guapo que, en el último momento, corre desesperado para alcanzarme antes de que tome mi avión a otro país.

Las películas de esa época tienen una vibra enigmática. Y aunque en mi vida real ya tenemos la comedia (y de sobra😂), incluso hasta drama, el toque de romance aún está en proceso de casting. Pero sí, escogería ser la protagonista de una película en donde cumpla mis metas y tenga un desarrollo de personaje luciendo regia y divina, con una playlist de Taylor Swift en momentos claves, haciendo reír a los espectadores con los sucesos, y, por supuesto, el galán noventero que me mire como si fuera el último chocolate caliente de una mañana lluviosa💖

O, segunda opción: terminaría viviendo en el mundo de Harry Potter✨ Aprendiendo hechizos y pociones, con un gato mágico de mascota (aunque, sinceramente, ya todos los gatos lo son). Básicamente, siendo una Hermione, pero de Ravenclaw. Porque, si me dan a elegir, preferiría la magia en primer lugar, el romance vendrá después🔮


🌸Do you believe in having a structured routine or a more spontaneous approach to life?🌸

If life were a movie, as we posed in the previous question, I would be the protagonist who keeps an impeccable agenda, a synchronized schedule, and a detailed list of things to do. Yes, I'm that woman who loves structure🥺 The one who sets alarms for active breaks, who plans every muscle she's going to work at the gym, and keeps an itinerary on her trips; the one who organizes each patient's intervention in advance, and the one who has her own emotional diary because even my emotional management needs structure. Obsessive-compulsive? Possibly. Proud of it? No doubt. When I accepted that part of me, instead of fighting it, my well-being stabilized. Knowing what steps to take and respecting my time not only gives me peace, but allows me to function without collapsing in a sea of uncertainty. And I accept that life, most of the time, is unpredictable, but I prefer to see it as an organized script, and only improvise if the scene warrants it.

But I am aware that the spontaneous has its charm. Sometimes, life can surprise you with wonderful things that were not on your itinerary. I know it's important, from time to time, to close the agenda, let go of control and just let things happen, let yourself be surprised. In every movie there is a climax, where the story goes off plan, and that is what allows for the development of a good denouement. Life is much more than its moments, but some moments are life🩵.

🌸¿Crees en una rutina estructurada o en un enfoque más espontáneo de la vida?🌸

Si la vida fuera una película, como lo planteamos en la pregunta anterior, yo sería la protagonista que lleva una agenda impecable, un horario sincronizado, y una lista de things to do detallada. Sí, soy esa mujer que ama la estructura🥺 La que pone alarmas para las pausas activas, qué planifica cada músculo que va a trabajar en el gimnasio, y lleva un itinerario en sus viajes; la que organiza la intervención de cada paciente con antelación, y la que tiene su propio diario emocional porque incluso mi gestión emocional necesita estructura. ¿Obsesiva-compulsiva? Posiblemente. ¿Orgullosa de ello? Sin duda. Cuando acepté esa parte de mí, en lugar de luchar contra ella, mi bienestar se estabilizó. Saber cuáles son los pasos a seguir y respetar mi tiempo no solo me da paz, sino que me permite funcionar sin colapsar en un mar de incertidumbre. Y acepto que la vida, la mayor parte del tiempo, es impredecible, pero prefiero verla como un guion organizado, y solo improvisar si la escena lo amerita.

Pero soy consciente que lo espontáneo tiene su encanto. En ocasiones, la vida te puede sorprender con cosas maravillosas que no estaban en tu itinerario. Sé que es importante, de vez en cuando, cerrar la agenda, soltar el control y simplemente deja que las cosas pasen, dejarte sorprender. En toda película hay un clímax, en donde la historia se sale del plan, y es lo que permite el desarrollo de un buen desenlace. La vida es mucho más que sus momentos, pero algunos momentos son vida🩵


🌸Do you have a morning or evening ritual that helps you feel grounded? What’s one daily habit you can’t live without?🌸

This question is connected to the previous one, because if there is something that has given me structure, it is to develop habits✨ And I can mention two:

My skincare🤍 Which is not just a routine, it's a ritual, as the question says; my sacred moment, my pause of the day to remind me that I exist beyond my responsibilities and a structured agenda. During the mornings, it allows me to connect with reality and gives me the feeling that I am ready for whatever comes, each drop of the serum is a dose of energy. In the evenings, it's the opposite: it helps me take off that mask we wear to face the world, release the weight of the day, and get ready to rest. Skincare is my way of telling myself: “you can handle this day” or “you did great today”🍃

But if skincare is my connection to myself, the gym is my disconnection from the world🤍 The Lys of the past wouldn't believe it. Honestly, the only times I ran in high school, it was to hide from the physical education teacher. But here I am, seven months after making the gym a special habit. An hour and a half of exercise almost every day (Monday through Friday), where the only important thing is that the weights don't fall on me, and that my playlist is in tune. It's a space to drain pent-up energy, release tension and feel strong, not only physically, but mentally. I love the fact that I can lift a weight that seemed impossible before, it makes me feel that I am capable. It gave me constancy, perseverance, and discipline.

One habit connects me, the other disconnects me, but both prioritize my well-being🌸

🌸¿Tienes algún ritual matutino o nocturno que te ayude a sentirte con los pies en la tierra? ¿Cuál es el hábito diario sin el que no puedes vivir?🌸

Esta pregunta está conectada con la anterior, porque si hay algo que me ha dado la estructura, es desarrollar hábitos✨ Y puedo mencionar dos:

Mi skincare🤍 Que no es solo una rutina, es un ritual, como dice la pregunta; mi momento sagrado, mi pausa del día para recordarme que existo más allá de mis responsabilidades y una agenda estructurada. Durante las mañanas, me permite conectar con la realidad y me brinda la sensación de que estoy lista para lo que venga, cada gota del sérum es una dosis de energía. En las noches, es lo contrario: me ayuda a quitarme esa máscara que usamos para enfrentar el mundo, a liberar el peso del día, y prepararme para descansar. El skincare es mi manera de decirme a mí misma: "tú puedes con este día" o "lo hiciste muy bien hoy"🍃

Pero si el skincare es mi conexión conmigo misma, el gimnasio es mi desconexión del mundo🤍 La Lys del pasado no lo creería. Honestamente, las únicas veces que corrí en la secundaria, fue para esconderme del profesor de educación física. Pero aquí estoy, siete meses después de haber convertido el gym en un hábito especial. Una hora y media de ejercicio casi todos los días (lunes a viernes), donde lo único importante es que las pesas no se me caiga encima, y que mi playlist esté acorde. Es un espacio para drenar la energía acumulada, liberar tensiones y sentirme fuerte, no solo físicamente, sino mentalmente. Me encanta el hecho de poder levantar un peso que antes parecía imposible, me hace sentir que soy capaz. Me dio constancia, perseverancia, y disciplina.

Un hábito me conecta, el otro me desconecta, pero ambos priorizan mi bienestar🌸


At the end of the day, what really matters is finding what makes us happy✨ Whether it's a meticulously organized agenda or unexpected moments that steal our breath away. Because, although life won't always be that movie we direct in our head, we will always be the protagonist. We can choose our habits, dreams and stories we want to live. And of course, if on the way we find a guy who runs after us to declare his love... it's a bonus that can't be refused😉✨

Al final del día, lo que realmente importa es encontrar lo que nos hace feliz✨ Ya sea con una agenda meticulosamente organizada o con momentos inesperados que nos roban el aliento. Porque, aunque la vida no siempre será esa película que dirigimos en nuestra cabeza, siempre seremos la protagonista. Podemos elegir nuestros hábitos, sueños e historias que queremos vivir. Y claro, si en el camino encontramos un chico que corra detrás de nosotras para declararnos su amor… es un bonus que no se puede rechazar😉✨


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Your idea of "love" is fucking insane, just like your vibe, smug face, annoying demeanor.. fucking primitive / dead


I absolutely love how vividly you’ve painted your ideal fictional lives—they're like two perfect movies themselves! The idea of being the leading lady in a romantic comedy from the 90s or 2000s is so enchanting. There’s something timeless about the charm of handwritten letters, rain-soaked confessions, and those grand airport chases that remind us all to believe in a love worth fighting for. Plus, with a Taylor Swift soundtrack? Chef's kiss. I can already see your character dazzling on screen, with moments both heartfelt and hilariously awkward, leaving the audience rooting for you until the credits roll.

And then there’s Hogwarts! The magic, the friendships, the mischief—it’s a world filled with endless possibilities. I can absolutely picture you acing Ravenclaw life, unraveling magical mysteries, brewing the perfect potion, and enjoying the company of your feline familiar. (And hey, all cats have that magical air about them—who's to say yours wouldn’t be enchanted anyway?) You’d probably outshine Hermione in the wit department while sipping pumpkin juice and mastering charms.

But if you had to choose just one world to dive into first, which would it be—the heartfelt romance or the spellbinding magic? Both are equally incredible escapes! ✨📽️



I'm pretty sure my cat is enchanted, she's not normal🤭 Thanks for your beautiful comment✨

Now that you ask... choosing between the two worlds is almost impossible, how about a romantic comedy at Hogwarts?🤭🤣 No, but seriously, I think I would start with the romantic comedy, because deep down I still believe in that movie-worthy love story really exists✨💜


The desire to live a romantic comedy can be possible, like you, I believe it too, in fact I have observed things so real that at the time: I thought it only happened in the movies; the ritual skincare routine and the disconnection from the world with the gym are great habits and I love them, thanks for sharing your experiences my friend,


I love to know that you also believe in the possibility of living a story worthy of a romantic comedy✨ Sometimes reality surprises us with moments that seem like something out of a movie.

I'm glad you enjoy those habits; taking care of yourself and disconnecting from the world for a while really makes a difference😌

Thanks for reading!💜


It was a pleasure to read you, have a nice evening.


Harry Potter - One of my all-time favorites and I always wished to be at Hogwarts and be friends with Harry. Well, I liked Hermione a lot so I probably want to be her. The world of magic is fascinating, would be great to live in such a world of fantasy and magic.

I don't have a specific ritual but for me also, night skincare is a must...It is also part of my self-care routine...

Thanks for sharing...


Harry Potter is a timeless classic!💖

Hogwarts would be an amazing place to live!!! And being Hermione sounds like a great choice: smart, brave, and with a passion for knowledge😌 The magic of that world definitely makes us dream, I would love to live there.

Thanks for your comment✨🍃


Look at me smiling right from the beginning. I also believe love can be like how it was in the beginning. And I’m sure the highlight of those times were the handwritten letters.


Your comment made me smile too💖
There is something magical when everything is new and exciting. And yes, handwritten letters had a special charm, a way of capturing feelings that digital messages can't match🥺
