My entry to the Phone Photography Contest #49 [En-Es] Our new orchid plant bloomed
A few days ago we bought a new orchid plant in the village.
Hace días compramos una nueva planta de orquidea en el pueblo.
Upon arrival, we placed its roots inside a plastic bag with water.
Al llegar introducimos sus raíces dentro de una bolsa plástica con agua.
The next day we transplanted it to one of the avocado trees and not to a cut trunk like we did with our first plant.
Al día siguiente la transplantamos a uno de los árboles de aguacate y no a un tronco cortado como hicimos con nuestra primera planta.
We were careful to place a small bottle of water and a cord to keep its roots moist.
Tuvimos cuidando de colocarle una botella pequeña con agua y un cordón para que mantuviera húmedas sus raíces.
On the third day we saw that two buds tried to open but withered.
Al tercer día vimos que dos botones trataron de abrir pero se marchitaron.
On the fourth day, the remaining three opened, with a paler color than the flowers on the other plant. I thought they might be different species.
Al cuarto día abrieron las restantes tres, con un color más pálido que el de las flores de la otra planta. Pensé que quizá serían de diferentes especies.
On the fifth day, three of them were fully open and had a deeper color....
Al quinto día tres estaban completamente abiertas y tenían un color más intenso....
but they had no perfume, which we could smell in those of the other plant.
pero no tenían perfume, el cual si habíamos podido sentir de las de la otra planta.
Perhaps the flowering was brought forward by stress or climate change.
Tal vez la floración se adelantó por estrés o cambios climáticos.
The important thing is that in these days of intense drought and heat they made us happy.
Lo importante es que nos alegraron estos días de intensa sequía y calor.
All photos were taken with Xiaomi Redmi note 8 A and Samsung Galaxy A 15 devices.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con dispositivos Xiaomi Redmi note 8 A y Samsung Galaxy A 15.
Thank you very much for reading my blog.

Gif made with / Gif hecho con Canva
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.
References / Referencias:
the appearance of the flowers is very beautiful, the colors are soft and pleasant to look at at all times.
Thanks @reachdreams, I'm glad you like them 🙂
It is really a very pleasant feeling to see greenery and such beautiful flowers all around especially in such hot weather.
Hi @untilwelearn. Yes, at least we can water the plants every two days.