LOH Contest #192~Friendship makes the world



Hello beautiful ladies, it's been weeks of being absent from this space and that is because I had a lot going on in my life also I had a faulty phone and have been without a phone for a while now.

So, today I decided to catch up with what's going on and I came across this week's Ladies of Hive Community Contest #192 and I will be answering the first question that says,

How much does friendship mean to you? Can you make new friends easily?

The other day, someone said "I can not trust my friends enough to leave my opened drink while I use the toilet" I was disappointed at her words so I called her attention to what she said and I said "Why do you keep friends, you can not trust?, How would feel if your acclaimed friends think about you in such manner", and "Don't you think you and your friends have a horrible friendship if you all think this way? I would advise you all to go your separate ways because you all minds are vile and suspicious"

For someone like me who has been stabbed in the back by those we call friends, I am very skeptical and meticulous about those I allow into my life and tag them 'friends' because I don't want to be bitten too many times but that would not make me stop meeting people, having new friends and start being suspicious about everybody and every one of my friends.


Although one can not be too careful enough but one can be careful, attentive, and intuitive about who he or she wants to tag a friend and be open to because it involves your life. I am intentional about growing my friendship cycle as such, I can not make such goals if I have such a heart or carry such a heart about people.

I have heard stories about friends killing or poisoning or harming friends and I tell people I can not have such a friend in my circle of friends, not because they are all righteous or saints but because I go for like-minded people like myself even if we may not be the same or agree on everything but I or any of my friends wouldn't have the intentions or go to the extent of thinking evil about each other.

So, I do not mind leaving my unfinished drink with my friends around while I use the toilet eating whatever my friends left for me, or allowing them to open my drink for me that is the most invalid thing I worry about with my kind of cycle of friends.

I have left a long-standing friendship because she started feeling I was becoming envious of her and her achievements. After all, I expressed my disappointment about the way she handled some issues we both were involved in, and before I kissed farewell to our friendship, I made her understand that regardless of whether we were friends or not, I was never going to be her enemy or think evil about her or anything that has to do with her but since she already feels insecure about me, it would be advisable we go our separate way.


I am a very simple person and down to earth, one thing I am careful with is, not wanting to always look at my back and become suspicious about every step and activity my friends take and also I do not want to have any enemies, so I am also conscious about not wanting someone to see me as an enemy and look at her back or become suspicious about me, it could breed a lot of veil things in our heart.

So, when I notice that I am no longer comfortable with a particular person or the person is not comfortable with having me around, I walk away for my sanity's sake and peace's sake because I only know what I am thinking, I do not know and can not attest to what the other person is thinking about me, so cutting the ties and being a distant friend or acquaintance with no bad energy between us is the best thing I can do for myself. The world is deeper than we think, so we need to be careful and carefree about everything and everyone, so as not to be at risk or harm way.

With that being said, I have the best cycle of friends, even though we most times have our differences which can not be avoided as we are from different homes with different perspectives due to life experiences we understand each other and learn to be at each other's pace, support system and shoulder when there is need for it. Like I have said I have had my fair share of bad friendships but I wouldn't let my experiences hinder me from making the best circle of friends or make me start becoming suspicious about everyone that comes closer to me all in the name of friendships.

Not everyone is evil and I feel that I wouldn't want to do to others what I wouldn't want them to do to me at such, I wouldn't want to think about them in such a manner, that I wouldn't want them to think about me. There are no two ways about it.

I cherish all my friends and every friendship I have had and still have, I see them as a family and do not hide my true self from them, the same way I always want them to bare to me their true selves because that is the only way we can make our friendship better and trustworthy. With that being said, I always make sure that those who I call my friends can attest to me and others about my strengths, flaws, and weaknesses without having to think twice.

Friendship means a lot to me, it means having a family and having people who can stand up for you, stand for you, stand by you, and stand with you. We look out for each other and make sure to help each other in places we see as flaws. It does not mean we are perfect, it means we are humans with a conscience.


With that being said, I always find it hard to make new friends because I do not like to strike up a conversation even when I know I can if I wish to but I would prefer to be by myself because my introverted side of me would not let me.

Even on instances when I admire the person from afar and wish to reach out to the person, it usually takes me time to strike the deal within myself and take the initiative by so doing, I get to watch the person carefully to know the type of person he or she is and then I can decide to know if to let the person be or go ahead with my thought.

If I have to go ahead with my thoughts, then I just need to be strategic and create opportunities for myself to be able to strike something with the person that gives room for both of us to flow easily and in the long run become best of buddy or just remain acquaintances.

Thank you for reading!!!

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We should be careful in choosing our friends. For it's either they make us, or break us.


It is very important to choose our friends wisely, and any friendship in which trust is very risky. I love the maturity with which you ended the long-lasting friendship you had.


Wow, your words have amazed me. It is true, we must choose our friends well


it is always a new and different experience making new friends.

I have been in the situation where I also needed to say goodbye to friendships. All they did was drain me. So I feel you. I would also step back when I got wind of funny business. I don’t like stress.


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I do wonder how people get so unlucky to have friends that would be the end of them, it's really sad.
Good you have friends that aren't like that.
