Advantages of being a man


I must say that at one time or another this idea of being a man for a period of time crosses my mind, the idea seems great to me because from my perspective and without a doubt some people of the male sex find it much easier to do things, for example in the labor area they have more job opportunities, If in a job interview there are two mechanical engineers (a man and a woman) it is more likely that the position will be given to the man because they think he has more potential than a woman, in a way it is a matter of machismo that I do not know if in another country is like this but here in Latin America it is mostly handled this way.

On the other hand I would also like to be a man because they do not suffer from menstrual pain, they do not feel the pain of bleeding every month of the year and constantly changing moods, relieving me for a few months of the menstrual cycle would make me very happy because some women (or at least in my case) every menstrual period is painful and quite irritating.

Ahhh and another advantage of the male sex that I would like to experience is that they can urinate almost anywhere, so when I get the uncontrollable urge to pee I wouldn't have to look for the most hygienic and cleanest bathroom available but rather I wouldn't care where I expel the liquid.


I hope you liked my weekly proposal today, thanks for reading until next time bye bye.
