🌻After a Fall

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🌻After a Fall

🌻Life can change after a fall. A simple stumble seems like an unimportant mishap, a moment of shock and shock that happens to anyone at the moment they least expect. I remember a moment in my life when, one important morning for me, everything changed when I tripped and fell down the stairs, unable to avoid a fatal outcome that changed the way I saw many things in me, it was time to take a lesson and come to my senses.

🌻To realize that, beyond a stumble, this blow was showing me a great lesson. There are moments when we reach the top, we reach success, we see our effort rewarded. Once there, we feel that we are a firm pillar, a place where arrogance visits us and you become easy prey to pride. Before that fall, my life was full of success, I had the world in my hands; however, I had forgotten who I was, that road I had to travel to get there.
I was a despicable being, everyone realized it except me. I was blinded by ambition, distracted by greed, and I had lost my essence.

🌻Everything was out of my hands that fall made me see how fragile I am, my body received not only the scare, reaching the end of that fall brought me consequences for a moment I lost consciousness, a cold ran through my body, I do not know if it was death wanting to put an end to my story, the truth is that I was there alone. In that silence, the most bitter dream of my life passed in front of me. Images of a haughty man who ignored everything in his path, including his family, were in front of me. It was my reflection in a mirror, looking at that man who was me, a being whose eyes reflected darkness, then began to tell that man how wrong he was. It was hard to make him see reason; the arrogance accumulated over the years was a barrier that did not let him listen to me.

🌻The saddest thing is that I got to watch him plummet from the pinnacle of his dreams, perhaps saving his life. I prayed for a second chance to make things right. In that agony, as I watched my haughty counterpart die, confused in my thoughts, not knowing what would become of me, the light from a door called humility illuminated the darkness of that scene. For a moment I thought of staying with my other self, there was a rope that tied me to him. Seeing that door shining was a hope, then I understood what was happening, it was time to get rid of that haughtiness. With all my strength I ran to it, breaking the rope that tied me to that man. Entering and seeing a new me in front of me was an extraordinary experience, a second chance to make things right.

🌻That fall left a mark on my forehead, the deepest mark on my being. Some falls are necessary, a moment to stop and reflect on life. I needed that moment, a fall that made me see that close line between death and life. Those minutes of sleep were crucial in my new path. When I woke up, I was able to confront my mistakes, to see my fragility, how easy it is to miss the opportunity. There are moments in life where we need to meet ourselves, look closely at the person we are and look for a solution to what is unnecessary.

🌻After I opened my eyes again, I wanted to lie there, the pain in my body was intense. The pain in my body was intense, it was a physical and mental battle, until my heart stopped racing, then I closed my eyes and was grateful to be alive. I got up from the ground to tend to my wound, I knew I had a second chance, I wanted to know what it was to be humble. The practice of that day has been the key to my success, I can now look back on the memory of that fall as a great lesson.

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This is my entry to this week's initiative : 🌻A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

👉Escalera Descendente

🌻Author Sammy-Sander

👉🌻Dark Man

🌻Author Sammy-Sander

Post cover edited via Canva by @elisaday7 -Texts translated by DeePL

It was a pleasure to share the story that this image conveys to me.



Sometimes our biggest stumbles are the best lessons. I have had a few stumbles and all are recoverable.


What an awesome analogy to the approach in one's life. I love your words here:

"Some falls are necessary, a moment to stop and reflect on life."

This is totally true that it takes something to stop us dead in our tracks and re-evaluate our lives in terms of what we our goals are how we wish to accomplish them.

Thanks for sharing this thoughtful account. Take care.


A story with a great background lesson, worthy of the A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words contest. I loved reading it. Thanks for sharing! 💕
