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Based on this picture, I can see a fashionista grand ma, fashionista because of all the accessories she has on like ear rings, nose rings, three colours bracelet and bangles and a set of beads and necklace which she has around her neck and a. Middle age lady about to go do some laundry.
There is a lady who can either pass as the old woman's daughter or her daughter in-law who seems to be responsible for the old woman's care and wellbeing with a basin which contains clothes to be taken to wash on her hand.
**MY VIEW **
In Africa, we believe in reciprocated love. By this I mean our parents take care of us from babies to adulthood and we are expected to take care of them when they grow old and can no longer get things done for themselves.
But as civilization began taking place alot of children tries to shift the responsibility of taking care of their aged parents to either their youngest siblings or their bothers wife.
Often time, these aged parents see themselves as liability to their son's wife and they divce another means. Here is the means, grand parents will demand that you give them one of your children which is also their grandchild for them to help you to raise in other to reduce stress for you.
The aim is to have someone at their corner at all time. I guess this was what mama Foluke was trying to do when she took in her granddaughter Sade.
Mama took Sade in when she was nearly two years old and she took very good care of her. She made sure that Sade lacked nothing.
She attended the best school around and mama even got an home tutor for her in some subjects she is weak in.
Non of Sade's birthday went by without being celebrated and mama made sure she visits her parents during the holiday so she could bound with them as well.
Image Source:mine.
After she graduated from secondary school and needed to proceed to the University, Sade choose a school she can attend from home so she will not be far from her grandmother.
Opon her graduation, mama' first soon decided to take mama abroad and mama insisted she was not going if Sade will not be going with her.
That was how Sade had the opportunity to continue her studies abroad where she later settled after her grandmother passed.
Thanks for reading till the end.
You are right, our parents takes care of us in return we are to do same to them at old age but at times we fail out of these are responsibilities to our parents. We now relegate it to others which is not supposed to be so. God will help us 🙏. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Amen o
I'm glad grandma took care of Sade and gave her the best education. 💝
Grandma's are the best at taking care of kids because they are full of wisdom.
Congratulations to all women today, 11 March, International Women's Day. To all of them, a hug full of blessings.
Sending love ❤️