LOH #196 ~ Ocean or mountains?




Hello ladies of Hive, it's been a while since I've posted here, however, I've been organizing myself so that my time is tuned to creating content without affecting my sleep hours, my current job, etc.

Besides that, this week's theme and questions really appealed to me...

Do you prefer the ocean or the mountains and why?

Even though I don't know how to swim and I feel it's because I rarely go to beaches or pools and that undoubted fear of drowning, I feel that the sea is one of the best places to relax, in fact a day at the beach can change the whole week as they say out there, the sea heals everything.

In fact I love the beach days, even if I have to stay on the shore taking care of the belongings of my companions, I still dream of the day when I learn to swim and enjoy the sea without fear.


Hola damas de Hive, ya tenía bastante tiempo sin publicar acá, sin embargo, me he estado organizando para que mi tiempo se sintonice con la creación de contenido sin afectar mis horas de sueño, mi actual trabajo, etc.

Además de ello, la temática y las preguntas de esta semana me gustaron mucho...

¿Prefieres el océano o las montañas y por qué?

A pesar de que no sé nadar y siento que es por lo poco que voy a playas o piscinas y ese indudable miedo a ahogarme, siento que el mar es uno de los mejores sitios para relajarse, de hecho un día de playa puede cambiarnos la semana completa como quién dice por ahí, el mar lo cura todo.

De hecho me encantan los días de playa, aunque me tenga que quedar en la orilla cuidando las pertenencias de mis compañeros, sigo soñando con el día en el que aprenda a nadar y poder disfrutar del mar sin miedos.



But just as the ocean is peace, so are the mountains, you know how delicious it is to breathe fresh air, to leave the city and breathe that fresh and pure air, that makes you know that you are closer to nature, the singing of the birds, the sound of the wind and the leaves, it really is something charming and relaxing. When I was little I didn't value it so much, because going to the mountain where my grandmother lives was usual, but now being an adult, living in the stress of the city, I long for those days of peace, where I spent all day sleeping and breathing pure air with that smell of campfire, freshly brewed coffee, rain, the chirping of chicks, I miss it all, because when we are adults our only desire (or at least in my case) is money to live comfortably and peace in my heart.

However, I cannot choose one in particular, because I like both, it is part of nature, and it is that precious thing that we must take care of to continue enjoying and guarantee our future generations the pleasure of enjoying those pleasures of life.


Pero así como el oceano es paz, las montañas también lo son, saben lo delicioso que es respirar aire puro, salir de la ciudad y respirar ese aire fresco y puro, que te hace saber que estpas más cerca de la naturaleza, el canto de los pájaros, el sonido del viento y las hojas, realmente es algo encantador y relajante. De pequeña no lo valoraba tanto, porque ir a la montaña donde vive mi abuela era habitual, pero ahora siendo adulta, viviendo en el estrés de la ciudad, anhelo esos días de paz, donde pasaba todo el día durmiendo y respiraba aire puro con ese olor a fogata, a café recién colado, a lluvia, el piar de los pollitos, todo lo extraño, porque cuando somos adultos nuestro único deseo (o por lo menos en mi caso) es dinero para vivir cómodmente y paz en mi corazón.

Sin embargo, no puedo elegir a uno en especial, porque ambos me gustan, forma parte de la naturaleza, y es eso tan preciado que debemos cuidar para seguir disfrutando y garantizarle a nuestras generaciones venideras el placer de disfrutar esos placeres de la vida.


Dispositivo: Samsung A15 | Edición: PicsArt App | Traducción: DeepL App

Device: Samsung A15 | Editing: PicsArt App | Translation: DeepL App



I understand exactly how you feel.....right down to the not being able to swim part! Maybe someday, we both will learn, but for now, the call of both is a wonderful thing. Thanks for sharing; take care and have a lovely day!


You can always learn and lose your fear, I hope our day will come, happy day to you too.❤️‍🩹


Esas fotos de montaña son hermosas. Saludos ☺️


That is a perfect way to describe it, and I agree on how you feel 😊
The ocean is amazing and brings much peace and joy, and I hope you learn to swim one day 🏊 cause it is a wonderful feeling to swim.

I always lived by the beach and woods so I always loved it.

And the mountains sure gives you energy, fresh air and peace away from all city noices. To be one with nature 🥰 best feeling.

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week. 🌷


Thank u❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
