The way of our reasoning is different from each other which is why we are here to learn from one another.
I can not say it is necessary to pay our parents back for their labor on us but it is compulsory to shoulder all their responsibilities in their old age, some of them are not asking for money from us, all they want is someone that will be there for them, talk to them and walk around with them.
My prayers as a child have been how to repay my mother for all her labor and suffering on me, if you have a mother that cares about you and makes life a conducive place for you to live, please pay the price by loving them back and taking good care of them.
We can never pay off our parents, we will just try our best to shape them in a normal way, children are like investments, if you do not invest in your child no one will do that for you and it can lead to regret in the future.
In my country we see our parents as our second God, their prayers always go a long way for us, most children take their parent's responsibilities and they are always blessed. Taking care of your parent is a blessing on its own not to talk of carrying all their responsibilities on your shoulder.
Parents are priceless, we can never pay off their labor, I know we have mothers in this community and we all know what it takes to take care of children starting from a baby, having sleepless nights, growing up, bringing out teeth, passing all those stages, and now an adult, and doing well for himself or herself, no matter what as a parent we will expect something from that child one day.
In my case, I am left with my mother my father is late and since he died my mother has been the only one carrying our responsibilities, she sees us through schools both secondary and tertiary, and none of us is a dropout, she gathers all she had to sponsor her children, now that things are getting better we need to reciprocate by giving back to her because she deserves it.
We have parents who do not deserve to eat the fruit of their labor because they never labor for it, a child who sponsors himself through school when the parents are much alive and are capable to support the child but neglected him due to polygamous practice, such parent does not deserve to eat any fruit the only fruit they deserve is banana or strawberry.
I am still a child to my parent and I can do anything for her even if it makes me uncomfortable because she really deserves it.
Thank you for your support and encouragement, this is my response to this week's prompt of #ladiesofhive week #148 moderated by @jane1289 If you are interested in joining this contest follow this Link
No lies. They deserve all the good things we are capable to offer them. We really need to always try to make them happy. They merit it from us.
Yes , they really deserves it
We can't neglect them during their old age, they were there for us at a point and we have to do the same.
It's not like a kind of repayment but it's a good thing, its pointless not to be there for our parents. It's a shape.
Thank you for your support dear, they really deserve it and it is our right to take care of them
I agree with you our parents are priceless we cannot pay them back for what they have done for us we can only try our best to show them love and the care they need from us as their child. Your mother is a strong woman for her to raise you and your siblings alone I pray she will live long to enjoy you all
Thank you for your support
Parents are like the god on earth
It's our responsibility to take care of them.
Whether we have been told to support our parents or not, I guess we still must support them when they need some help, especially when they can not fend for themselves anymore...
Thanks for joining !LADY
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I wish all our family relations are good but we don't live in a perfect world.
My Mother wasn't always eye to eye with me when I was young, in fact we had plenty of fights. But now that she has lost some cognitive functions and memory issues after a head injury from a fall she is so different from what she was. For once I've never been closer, even in odd circumstances.