Dismissal from employment: WEEK 235
Anyone who says they are not affected by a layoff from their current job is a liar in one way or another it hurts to leave a job leaving a job for pleasure or health is not the same as being fired because you feel rejected or at least that's how I felt when I was fired from my first and only job.
At that time I was very young and had 3 years working with the company as a promoter of some diet drinks, while I was intercalating my time at the university and the truth is that the income I had was good and I depended 100 % on that job to pay the rent and my personal expenses. the first thing I did was cry a lot because it was my only source of income, I thought I had done everything wrong, that I had been irresponsible, that I should have done things differently. I felt a lot of regret and a lot of guilt, but after reflection and not thinking about it anymore, I understood that sometimes life is like that, there will be places where they will appreciate and value our work and others where they will despise our effort and time.
After wondering for a long time what I had done wrong, I went to the other end of the scale, where I was no longer crying, but raging about how unfair it was that I had been fired when I had shown commitment and interest Because of this bad experience, I understood very well that, faced with the imminent possibility of one day being out of work, I decided not to stick to any job, no matter how much I liked it, and I started to look for options to generate other income. It didn't matter the job, as long as it was a decent job. Now, today that I am more mature, if I were fired I would not cry so much because I am very preventive with my partner, I buy food and hygiene things for the elderly once a month and I have a small pantry that can last me 3 months and in that time I could be calm going to a job interview without worrying about the basic things at home..
Thank God I now have my own house, a roof over my head and I no longer have that worry and fear that I had before when the end of the month came and I didn't have enough money to pay the rent. It's awful when you get kicked out of a place. And although I could have gone to live with a relative, I was always very independent and I never liked to depend on anyone, much less on a man, and I think that same attitude and determination was what led me to overcome and achieve everything I dreamed of...
The photos published in this blog are my own property.