My proudest moments : LOH 191


Si tuvieras la oportunidad de ofrecer orientación y sabiduría a tú, yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías?

If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what insights or recommendations would you share?

Feliz inicio de semana para todas las damas de la colmena si tuviera la oportunidad de darle un concejo a mi yo más joven quisa le diría que confiara más en ella que sé más auténtica no hagas cosas solo para encajar o complacer a los demás no te apegue a una pareja a veces las personas en la que más confiamos son las que más nos decepcionan disfrutara más de la vida de tu juventud la aconsejaría que viajara más que perdonara más porque antes solía guardar mucho resentimiento así esas personas que me lastimaban que dejara de ser tan impaciente porque una de mis más grandes defectos es que antes quería todo rápido que se tomara las cosas con más calma que todo tiene su tiempo sobre todo que no se case tan joven ni menos tenga hijo tan joven porque un hijo es una gran responsabilidad y más cuando estás sola que no se preocupe por el que dirán por qué cuando Vaz creciendo te da cuenta de que la vida pasa muy rápido y no aprovechamos el tiempo como realmente quisiéramos.

Happy start of the week to all the ladies of the hive if I had the opportunity to give some advice to my younger self I would probably tell her to trust her more to be more authentic to not do things just to fit in or to please others and to not get attached to a partner sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones that disappoint us the most. I would tell her to enjoy the life of your youth more I would advise her to travel more and to forgive more because I used to hold a lot of resentment towards people who hurt me I would tell her to stop being so impatient because one of my biggest faults is that I used to want everything fast I would tell her to take things more calmly because everything has its time. I would tell her to stop being so impatient because one of my biggest faults is that I used to want everything fast I would tell her to take things more calmly that everything has its time and above all I would tell her not to get married so young or have a child so young because a child is a big responsibility and more so when you are alone not to worry about what people will say because when you grow up you realize that life goes by very fast and we do not take advantage of the time as we would really like to.

Reflexionando sobre tu viaje personal, ¿qué logros se destacan como tus momentos de mayor orgullo?

Reflecting on your personal journey, what accomplishments stand out as your proudest moments?

Todas tenemos logros grandes y pequeño, pero si tuviera que resaltar algunos diría que uno de esos logros fue graduarme y sacar dos carreras porque fue algo fuerte porque vivía solo con mi abuela y mi tía mis 5 con hermanos y a veces tocaba vender cosas para sustentar los gastos, pero a pesar de todo siempre fuimos muy unidos y nunca falto el amor también uno de ellos fue cuando junto a mi pareja logramos comprar nuestra propia casa para mí fue un sueño hecho realidad después de vivir en arrendado en muchos sitios y saltando de casa en casa de familiares tener techo propio es tener una gran satisfacción, pero mi mayor orgullo en esta vida es y serán siempre mis dos hijos por ellos lo daría todo.

We all have big and small achievements, but if I had to highlight some I would say that one of those achievements was to graduate and get two careers, as it was something strong because I lived alone with my grandmother and my aunt and my 5 siblings and sometimes I had to sell things to cover expenses, But despite everything we were always very united and we never lacked love also one of them was when together with my partner we managed to buy our own house for me was a dream come true after living rented in many places and jumping from house to house of relatives to have our own roof is to have a great satisfaction and peace, but my greatest pride in this life are and will always be my two children because only for them I would give everything.


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the photos published in this blog are my own property.


It's good that you were able to study and graduate. Thanks to your efforts and the help you received.


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sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones that disappoint us the most.

That's the truth and life lesson...

Despite difficulties, you reached your goal, became a graduate and that's a great accomplishment... Congrats and thank you for your participation...


Thank you very much for your comment and support, have a nice day.


Congratulations @faniaviera Home ownership is often a distant goal for most couples now a days. I found that it sometimes require sacrifices in trying times but careful planning and anticipating issues help very much, and prepare to be a handyman and learn some repair skills.
