una vida con sentido: LOH 200/a meaningful life: LOH 200

Para mí una vida con sentido es vivir de acuerdo con mis pensamientos, porque hay mucha gente que solo vive de apariencias, de mentiras, hoy en día no le damos el verdadero valor que merece el amor, la lealtad y la palabra. todos perseguimos como zombis el dinero como si fuera darnos la felicidad, y si el dinero da alegría es importante porque nos da bienestar material. pero el sentido de mi vida Melo da Dios, mis hijos, mi esposo, mi familia y hacer lo que amo, lo que me apasiona, porque sería triste llevar una trabajo o tarea solo por obligación o por compromiso, y es que cada día es nuevo reto que no podemos desperdiciar, ya se para mal o para bien, cada experticia que vivimos es una bendición.

For me a meaningful life is to live according to my thoughts, because there are many people who only live by appearances, lies, today we do not give the true value that deserves love, loyalty and the word.we all chase like zombies the money as if it were giving us happiness, and if the money gives joy is important because it gives us material welfare But the meaning of my life is given by God, my children, my husband, my family and doing what I love, what I am passionate about, because it would be sad to carry out a job or task just for obligation or commitment, and every day is a new challenge that we can not waste, whether for bad or for good, every experience we live is a blessing.

En mi corazón siento que si, porque respeto mis principios y creencias, sé que no soy perfecta y tengo muchos errores y defectos, pero hago lo mejor que puedo para vivir como pienso. tengo dos hermosos hijos y esposo guapo que me apoyo en todo a pesar de las peleas y las dificultades. también porque hago lo que amo, que es lo que yo siento que es para lo que nací. Desde pequeña soy muy empática y sentimental, siempre he tenido como u imán con los niños, cuando era pequeña yo siempre jugaba hacer maestra con mis hermanos y primos y hoy eso es una realidad y al ver cada unos de mis alumnos llegar al salón de clases contentos y darme un abrazo y beso me llena de felicidad y sé que más que un trabajo es lo que da sentido a mi vida. Realmente me siento muy privilegiada con Dios y la vida.

In my heart I feel that I do, because I respect my principles and beliefs, I know I am not perfect and I have many mistakes and flaws, but I do the best I can to live as I think. I have two beautiful children and a handsome husband who supports me in everything despite the fights and difficulties. also because I do what I love, which is what I feel is what I was born to do. Since I was little I am very empathetic and sentimental, I have always had like a magnet with children, when I was little I always played teacher with my siblings and cousins and today that is a reality and seeing each of my students come to the classroom happy and give me a hug and kiss fills me with happiness and I know that more than a job is what gives meaning to my life. I really feel very privileged with God and life.

La mejor forma para mí es aceptando ese fracaso a veces hay proyectos relaciones de pareja que por más que nos esforcemos y nos entreguemos en cuerpo y alma en ello simplemente no se dan y esa es la pura verdad antes solía sentirme muy culpable y me autocastigaba diciéndome que no hice lo suficiente, pero la realidad es que hay cosas en esta vida que no son para nosotras y esto es algo que muchas personas no entienden lo que es para mí fluye naturalmente sin presión se da orgánicamente fracasar no nos hace perdedoras tropezar y caernos es parte de esta vida solo somos perdedores de verdad cuando dejamos de luchar quisas no funciono con esa persona o en ese proyecto, en concreto, pero existe miles que podemos intentar como dice el dicho las cosas buenas tardan en llegar.

The best way for me is to accept that failure sometimes there are relationship projects that no matter how hard we try and how much we give our body and soul to it, they just don't happen and that's the honest truth, before I used to feel very guilty and I punished myself by telling myself that I didn't do enough, but the reality is that there are things in this life that are not for us and this is something that many people do not understand what it is for me flows naturally without pressure is given organically fail does not make us losers stumble and fall is part of this life we are only real losers when we stop fighting quisas not work with that person or in that project, in particular, but there are thousands that we can try as the saying goes good things take time to come.


las fotos publicadas en este blog son de mi propiedad.

the photos published in this blog are my own property.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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It's always nice to read such positive and motivational life stories. It's a blessing to have a family who is so supportive and gives reasons to live life.

the reality is that there are things in this life that are not for us and this is something that many people do not understand

Absolutely right. Like you said failure is part of life and failing in life doesn't mean you are a loser. Some things are not meant for everybody, you need to find what's best for you...

Goodluck and thanks for your participation...


Thank you very much for your visit, happy beginning of the week, blessings.
