5 Minutes freewrite dailyprompt 2659 distraction of the city
Freewrite dailyprompt "distraction of the city" by @mariannewests
Sarah roamed between the distraction of the city until she became lost in its constant din. The constant motor vehicle honking and fast-moving crowd activity combined with the nonstop urban background noise dominated the environment. She needed peace along with a reprieve from the troubling situation. A decision to escape took over her mind. The narrow walking path led her into a park that lay distant from the busy streets' crowds and traffic. The parkWHERE she had come to discover peace offered soothing sounds of avian song and tree wind movements which tamed her thinking processes. Nature around her provided the surroundings necessary for her to achieve clarity. Sarah became aware of true peace after the noisy distractions of the city disappeared because we achieve peace by stepping away from all noise to unite with nature's simpler realities.