= Mr. and Ms. ACCESS 2024: A Highlight Event of the Day =


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Image edited in Canva.

Another activities to be announced once again! So good morning once again, my beloved Hivers. Last Friday (February 16, 2024) and now it is not only last day but also the highlights of one of the most awaiting moments for everyone, the Mr. and Ms. ACCESS 2024. The event was happened at afternoon time. The candidates for this event was composed of seven males and females from different year levels (1st-4th Year). As for the event, for me, it was one of my enjoyable moments I've watched as this was really the first time pageant-event that happened this year. But of course, allow me to share some few scenarios that happened to me before with this event.

So, let's start!

In the morning, I was late in coming to school, maybe around 9:45 because I went to apply scholarship with my younger sister in the city of government. When I came to school, everyone was still preparing. Some of them designing the stage, others were attaching and cutting the certificates and sashes, others were designing the letters using styrofoams, and lastly, others blowing the balloons and tabulating the sheets for the contest. While me, as an officer, since I was required to help designing the stage, I help the others blowing the balloons. After a few minutes of helping, I was told by our ACCESS Secretary to roving in signing the attendance with other officers. After resting in a few minutes, I heard one of my co-officer that they're lack of thumb tacks and coricle (other term for "sibityano") so I suggest that I'll be the one to buy since I've done resting. So that's it! After they give money, I went out and went to every stores to find them. Luckily, after many times of checking, I've finally both them but instead of coricle, I have no choice but to buy small clips. Phewsss, tiring right? But at least I help.

Now, here we are now to the exciting moments-- just kidding. I mean not yet 'cause at 12:30 in noon, all the students are now lining at the entrance of the Activity Center to sign the attendance. Others were giving the tickets they've bought to ACCESS and placed it in a small cardboard. Well, I already gave mine and went inside the Activity Center to check all the students. Anyways, I'm not feeling well at that moment because of my migraine, I think. I don't know because I felt pain in my head lately and I'm not sure what's going on with it. By the way let's skip this.



People in the Hallway

As you can see in the picture, some students are now already there, sitting and chilling themselves while waiting for the program to start. I wonder what the other officers doing while preparing for this program. Well, I was mesmerized of seeing all the students, having some courage to support their participants of this Mr. and Ms. ACCESS. Speaking of participants, are you ready to see them now? If yes, then let's see them!! But before that, allow me to state this matter that program was already started with a prayer, followed by the National Anthem and Bacolod City Hymn.


Dancers ft. Candidates in their Production No.

SO THIS IS IT!! Let's welcome the most beautiful and handsome participants of the Mr. and Ms. ACCESS 2024! Wow, can you notice these participants as they showcasing their best talents that they have? By the way, these part of category they're doing was a Production No. Category, and they're really looks so passionate as they're doing their dance. Anyways, those dancers under the stage we're the Dance Enthusiasts and they we're guiding the participants with showcasing their dancing skills in their Production No.. I also love their dancing skills and I can see that they really did their best.





Candidates for their Talent Portion

Now let's proceed to the next part of the category which was one of the exciting part I've considered, the Talent Portion of the following candidates on this event. Well, as I noticed their talents, it was really indeed amazing. The way they showcasing it through songs, dance, expressing their thoughts and emotions are really incredible and outstanding. One more thing about it, I was really amazed to this male candidate which is Candidate 1, with her backup dancer, I can't believe they really did their best effort even it was just simple. I was also shocked at the voice of the male candidate, the Candidate 2! His vocals are indeed amazing! 😭 I didn't expect that the song he sung was the one that reflects me as I unexpectedly experience Forbidden Love to someone. But let's skip it for a while, as I will continue to blog, phewsss. Well, I was also amazed for the talents of these other two candidates, the Female Candidate 2 and Male Candidate 6. Although, they felt struggles in singing but at least I am proud of them both for their efforts they made.


Candidates in their Professional Attire

WHAT A BLAST AND MAGNIFICENT ATTIRE! Well, I don't what to comment about this. It's just...Wow! I didn't expect to see them wearing in this kind of elegant and magnificent Professional Attire. Anyways, it was wore by all the candidates after their amazing Talent Portion. Their attire looks like they're going to work in their different companies! 😍 I don't know, I just love their elegant tops, slacks and their additional accessories as it really gives impact to their category.


Candidates in their Evening Gowns and Suits Attire

Now, let's proceed to... 😲! Another wow to this wonderful and glimmering dress! I can see that these candidates we're really prepared for their wonderful evening gowns. As I describe their attire, it was so magnificent that I would love to try them on! Well, that's actually real, indeed because I was admire so much of it. By the way, next to that part was their Q & A (Question and Answer) Portion. All the candidates we're going to pick a number that was presented on the projector on their right side of the stage (sorry if I didn't got the picture of the projector). Once they did it, the emcee will reveal their questions according to the numbers they've picked and they would answer that questions based on their own opinions. As I listen to them, all of them delivered the questions concisely, clearly and correctly, but if I'm going to choose whose got reflected on my mind and heart, I'm proud to represent the Male Candidate 2 and Female Candidate 4. Well, to my answer why, I don't know. It's just not only they delivered the questions well, but those words they've spoke caught the attention of my mind and heart as a reminders to reflect myself in the reality.

Yehey!! Well it's done. Now after the candidates, performing the categories well, this time let's see who among of them will have to receive some Minor Awards in this event.


Let's start with this awards with the Best in production No. Category, as both the Male Candidate 7 and Female Candidate 7 aimed this award. Next is the Best in Talent Portion Category as the Male Candidate 2 and Female Candidate 6 also win this award. Then now let's witness their outfits of the Best in Professional Attire as both Male Candidate 2 and Female Candidate 2 got this award. Lastly, the Best in Evening Gowns and Suits Attire as still, the Male Candidate 2 and this time, Female Candidate 7 got this award.




Candidates in the Final Round

This time, I will share to you who among of the candidates make it to the Top 3. Now, help me to congratulate these 6 people as they are chosen to make it (on the left picture). For Male Candidates, we have Male Candidate 2 (left side), Male Candidate 5 (center) and Male Candidate 3 (right side). As for the Female Candidates who make it to the Top 3, we have the Female Candidate 4 (right side), Female Candidate 3 (center) and lastly, the Female Candidate 7 (left side). Now, they're having the next Q & A (Question and Answer) Portion, as it was based of who among of them will be the next Mr. and Ms. Access for this 2024. Well, all of them has got the answers right and they deliver it concisely and clearly.

Now, let's gonna end my blog as I didn't got a picture of the winners due to my on-duty moments on that event, but I know who among of them got who will be the winner for this event. Help me once again to congratulate the Candidate 5 (center) and Female Candidate 7 (left side) who both were in the 2nd Runner Up, then both the Male Candidate 3 (right side) and Female Candidate 3 (center) who aimed it to the 1st Runner Up and lastly, the best awaiting moment, congratulations to the Male Candidate 2 (left side) and Female Candidate 4 (right side) who both aimed the crown as the new Mr. and Ms. ACCESS 2024!!

So that's all for today's blog, Hivers. I would like to apologize for my late post due to my sudden and unexpected feeling regarding to my health. I hope you can bear with me as I also try my best to post my blogs. 😌

Seeyah and have a good day ahead, Hivers. 💖


Aw cool! These shows are always a lot of fun :) I hope you are feeling ok now ands your health is improving!:)


Yeah, I hope so. Thank you so much for stopping by. 😊
