Deliciosas alas estilo chino con vegetales || Delicious Chinese style wings with vegetables
![English version]
What do we do in the month of love?
😍 We cook to love! 😍
Hello! Hello! My dear #foodieslovers, I greet you hoping that everything is going very well in your lives and kitchens 👩🍳.
For me, cooking is one of the most beautiful acts of love, because it is proven that according to our emotions, we get the food; I don't say it, the foodies say it or who being in a bad mood is left with loose rice? 😕.
That's why, when I feel upset or sad, I like to cook but not to harm the food, but to calm my emotions and transform them into joy.
In this sense, this delicious chicken (because it turned out Spectacular!), I made it and I loved the result so much, that I wanted to share it with all of you; I hope you enjoy it 😊.
🍗 1 kilo de alas, previamente lavadas y cortadas en dos.
🍗 Los vegetales son todos los que se puedan. Yo coloqué: zanahorias, brócoli, coliflor, calabacín. Picados en tiras para que al finalizar se vean en la preparación.
🍗 De "lo picante", le coloqué: cebolla, ají, perejil. Básicamente, lo que tenía en mi nevera.
🍗 Para colocarlas jugosas, le coloqué una salsa agridulce que les mostraré a continuación, pero ustedes pueden prepararlas tipo casera.
🍗 Los condimentos fueron: ajo en polvo, pimienta, sal y cubito de pollo; ujum, pollo y más pollo.
🍗 Por último, unas semillas de sésamo. Para que no pasen pena como yo, en Venezuela se llaman ajonjolí; de 100 g no usaran ni el 15%.
🍗 1 kilo of wings, previously washed and cut in two.
🍗 The vegetables are as many as possible. I put: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Chopped in strips so that at the end they can be seen in the preparation.
🍗 For the “spicy”, I added: onion, chili, parsley. Basically, what I had in my fridge.
🍗 To make them juicy, I added this sweet and sour sauce.
🍗 The seasonings were: garlic powder, pepper, salt and chicken cube; ujum, chicken and more chicken.
🍗 Finally, some sesame seeds. So that you don't feel as bad as I did, in Venezuela they are called sesame seeds; out of 100 g you won't use even 15%.
![English version]
Well, the initial preparation was with the recommendation of diced chicken breast, but since I love wings and it was already what I had on hand, what could go wrong?
On one of those days when I wanted to eat something tasty, visually appealing, that the smell permeated the place and was quick, this combination was 100/100.
The first thing I did was to chop and wash the wings, marinate them (I added the seasonings) and with oil, I put them on the stove:

![English version]
A serious problem with my kitchen/utensils is that things don't get browned, but rather they get parboiled, but this time the objective was achieved, so once they were ready, I added the "seasonings":

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Already here, my mood had changed because the combination of smells was having the desired effect. Everything looked better when I added the barbicue sauce, which, believe me, is never enough because our wings must be juicy 😋:

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And finally, I proceeded to place the vegetables, which gave color to the wings that were “almost ready” to eat:
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While all this was cooking, I certainly didn't want to cook anything else that would take away from the flavor or detract from the presentation, so I chose to accompany it with cazabe (similar to bread, which would have also been another option). To garnish, I placed sesame seeds, as it comes out in movies and Instagram dishes; the change was total, so now I do not abandon the seeds and to all I recommend them 😉.
The result was this:
¿Lo recomiendo?
¿Cuándo lo volveré a hacer?
¡Todos los días! Si dependiera de mí 😊.
![English version]
How did it turn out?
Do I recommend it?
When will I make it again?
Every day! If it were up to me 😊.
So we don't need a special day, because every day with the things we have in the fridge, we can make dishes that fall in love and surprise our love half ❤️.
La portada la edité en Canvas, al igual que el separador.
El traductor que usé fue DeepL.
Hasta un próximo encuentro 👩🍳❤️.
![English version]
The photographs are my own, taken during the elaboration process.
I edited the cover in Canvas, as well as the separator.
The translator I used was DeepL.
Until a future meeting 👩🍳❤️.
Se ven geniales estas alas con vegetales, si parecen al estilo chino, se ven muy ricas.
Me alegro que te hayan gustado y puedas hacerlas amiga 😊.
These wings looks wonderful I like Chinese style cuisine 🤤🤤
Thank you very much for your appreciation and I hope you can make them. Regards 😊.