Stunning Landscapes of the Lost City of Libertalia.

I noticed @gamingphoto repeated Stunning Landscapes for this weeks contest theme which made me happy as I stored some good landscape photographs from the lost city of Libertalia thinking of this day. And now its time to show those gems. You'll find more info about the contest here.

This is the view that I found right after reaching this lost city and this view was enough to convince me that I should take special pictures of this place for a landscape contest someday.

The more I was exploring around and using the photo mode to capture the beauty of this place, the more I was falling for this place.

I was trying different angles to capture photos of the same area cause honestly, the whole place looked beautiful. I understood it this way why chapter was named "Join me in Paradise".

The ruins of the houses there, the foggy weather, the mists, everything looked beautiful. It looked like I had a beautify glass on my eyes at that time when I was exploring around there.

Then I noticed the big sculpture of Henry Avery there in the middle of a road. Avery built it there intentionally to show who is king of this place.

This is what I saw after climbing down through a pit. It looked like another great world was hidden beneath. There were shoreline peoples and I fought them there in stealth.

When I was fighting the enemies, I didn't forget to capture these special pictures as the enemies couldn't attract me enough that I'd stop looking at these beauties.

Look how the ruins looks from a far. I was there a moment before this picture taken and I fought a lot of enemies there in those ruins.

I'm not sure but probably I was done fighting the shoreline peoples already for the time being and I started looking around in calmness again.

The special mountain that I had in focus when I was looking for Sam after Marooned and it was still at my sight. And the sea looked so beautiful from here that atm I'm wishing to go visit the islands again.

That's a big tower where we climbed later to look around and we found New Devon only after climbing on top of that tower.

The big mansions came close when we kept climbing towards them and we had to look around in this mansion as well.

Then we reached this place that looked like a war zone as there were dead bodies all around and there were war equipment's as well and yet it looked amazing.

I don't know if this one fits into landscape or not but I really liked this frame.

That's the view I found when and after climbing the big tower. The ruins that I explored a moment ago looked so tiny and unknown from this tower. We later found New Devon and I stored landscapes photos of that place as well that I might use some other day if we get this same theme again.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.

