Learning Experiences Gotten From My Boss




Having a good or bad boss (employer)is something no one has control over; you get into an organization, and you don't know who you’d would be working under until you actually start working under them. At this point you begin to understand them and what their working ethics is like.

Have you ever had a good boss, or a bad boss, or have you experienced working under both?

I watched a movie today that enlightened me. The movie was centered around a young boy and his mother. He had just finished high school, and all he was doing was playing video games all day long,anf it was beginning to become a concern to his mom.

So she told him that he either gets a job within the next month or start paying her rent, and if he couldn't do that he should try going to stay with his friends and see if they would be willing to accommodate him, he was like mum!!!, but she was really serious and he had to go and find a job.

He eventually found one, and he didn't just get a job, but he found a father and a mentor in his boss. He taught him all that he needed to know to become a man, and he even introduced Jesus to him. In the end, he found himself doing things he never believed he could do; he even went to college,which he had written off of ever going.



Back to my encounter, I haven't had to work with a bad boss before. All the bosses I've worked with have been great, they've helped me grow, both career-wise and even in other areas of my life.

My present boss is a very sweet lady, she is a very happy person, but one thing I've learned about her is that whenever she gives you a job, she expects that you give it a 100℅ and nothing less. As most bosses can tell, she can tell when you didn't really give an assignment, and that gets her really upset. So with her, I've learned to push myself whenever I have a task at hand because she isn't one to accept a mediocre work.



Before working with her I used to push assignments to almost the last minute, I was a big procrastinator, but when I began working with her, I noticed that whenever she gave me a job and gave a time for its completion, by the next day she could come and ask how far you've gone with the job. At first, I was almost always getting into trouble, because imagine if she gave me a task today and said she wanted it next week Thursday, in my mind I'm like I have five days to complete the task, why is she asking about it the next day, but when I noticed that that was her style, I had to quickly adjust, and it really did help me, at least I was able to break the chain of procrastination.

I've also learned how to communicate effectively and also handle issues better with her help. In my organization, I deal with clients most times, and before now if there was an issue with the client, I was always scared to handle it, but with her mentorship, I learned to face the situation and deal with it rather than running away from it, and that has helped me even in the aspect of my relationship with friends and family.

So yeah I've had the opportunity of working with really great bosses that have impacted my life in one way or the other.

Thank you for stopping by❤

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Some bosses can make you serious in life and can make you meet up with tasks you were not expecting to meet up with.

We learn from our bosses, and they can make us adjust in every way. They can always impact our lives. We might think they are too hard on us, but in the real sense, they have given us good training.


Yes they help us grow. Thanks for stopping by.


You're fortunate to have such a wonderful boss. Enjoy working and learning from her ❤

