When Does "Old" Stop Being "Gold"? (#13)

It could be the bad way I started 2025, or being a little bit more nostalgic lately than usual that made me pick a rather weird theme for today's batch of street art discovered in Sibiu, but honestly speaking, all pieces of art deserve a minute in the spotlight, isn't it?

Sadly, sometimes it's about the materials used to create art that make these not resist in the front of the passage of time, but then there is also how well maintained the art is. So, even if I don't really know what happened in all the situations, I still wanted to share them, even if they are rather rusty and ugly in 2025 than how they looked when they first been created. Hence, you will see a comparison with the original version of each of today's street art pieces.

This post is also going to take part in CCC's Street Art Contest #231!

Source: sibiucityapp.ro

The first pick for today's post comes with a sad story, being a commemorative piece of art for Sudan, the very last White Rhino male who died at the beginning of 2018. This not only makes a species be forever gone but also sends a desperate warning to people who contribute more or less to this situation, ruining the habitats of many animals out there. And what's even sadder is that it's 2025 and nothing good seems like being changed.

Location: Strada Macaralei 1, Sibiu 557260, România

Source: sibiucityapp.ro

The 2nd piece of art was one that I absolutely loved, both because of how it turned out but also because of its story which sends another warning sign to people and how they massacred nature in the last few years. The Earth is already destroyed and the few livings left are only floating in space without having a proper life or direction anymore. Are we ever going to change this on time before it's too late?

Name: EXODUS (2020)
Artists: T-MARSH
Location: Strada Vasile Aaron, Sibiu, România

Source: sibiucityapp.ro

Next up, we have a piece of street art that I think would still look flawless in 2025, but the building raised very close to it made it not be noticed anymore. However, its story was meant to write down a parallel between real life and the digital one creating a glitch between the two. And I think the artist did a great job at the end of the day.

Name: GLITCH (2017)
Artists: CAPS CREW
Location: Strada Șureanu 1, Sibiu 557260, România

Source: sibiucityapp.ro

The main theme of the festival in 2015 was "wings", where each of the artists that took part in the challenge represented wings in more forms. The one created by Lavinia was to bring back hope especially towards those in pain who are suffering in hospitals, not giving up no matter how risky life looks. And I think it's a great way to bring back some home and colour in people's lives.

Name: KNIT LIGHT (2015)
Location: Strada Nicolae Iorga 56, Sibiu 550407, România

Source: sibiucityapp.ro

Last but not least, we have the street art that I called as being the ugliest one in town, due to how it turned out 10 years later since it was painted. You can see the original one on the image from the right, which shows how much degradation this one has been part of. There are actually 3 different elements within the same piece, one representing passion, one representing gaming and one the path kids follow during the years spent in school.

Location: Strada Nicolae Iorga 56, Sibiu 550407, România

Previous posts containing Sibiu Street Art Festival's graffiti:

more coming soon...


Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (300+ articles written on this field), but also approaching other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 750+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with travelling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

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Blog: http://gabrielastravels.wordpress.com/
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The art with the hard messages for the extinct white rhinos, and all other animals, on the verge of extinction or already extinct is compelling. It is also very sad that people are too numb to change anything. I hope something will change in the minds of all people before it's too late ... But I'm afraid.


I hope so too but sadly my hope is lower and lower with every new year :(


Time flies. And when it comes to StreetArt, it's easy to see how quickly colors fade, paint crumbles, and if it's not simply replaced by another work... Interesting to see before / now. I like the mural about the last white rhino. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a lovely day


I couldn't say it better. Thank you, hope you have a lovely day too!
