Lost In Wonderworld (#4)
It's Wednesday, so it means a new street art-related post from me! And this time is all about magic and mystic creatures!
While I fail terribly at making a weekly post about the street art I have discovered in my town, I thought that it would be a lot easier for me to keep track every two weeks, and today is that day!
This happens as I stopped writing daily posts (a long while ago, tho) from being scared of being considered a spammer even if every single day had a well-determined theme such as a movie review, gameplay, photography post, cooking recipe, game review, travel post and one day reserved for pretty much anything that didn't belong to any of the categories mentioned before.
This used to happen around 2 years ago (crazy how time flies!) when I also experienced two burnouts in a short amount of time. So I ended up slowing down everything, which did help me not lose the motivation to write but also made me always wonder what I should write about when there are so many topics I'd like to approach! But let's say that writing a post for the Street Art Community every two weeks seems like a fair deal to me, having plenty of time in between for some other topics as well.
Oh, and let's not forget. This post will also take part in the CCC's Street Art Contest #212!
Picking a favourite of today's edition turned out really hard, but starting everything with "Pachamama" seemed like a good idea at least based on the title picked for this article. Despite the mystic aspect of the work which might send your thoughts on Alice in Wonderland, the artwork talks about the relationship between the new generations and Mother Nature having these as our last hope to stop the constant destruction that humans cause to our planet every second. The artist felt like the new generations are born with a bigger necessary conscience to protect the planet than the older generations, everything being more possible because of the accessibility to technology and news that were partially missing for us.
Name: PACHAMAMA (2022)
Location: Calea Cisnădiei 17, Sibiu 557260, România
Even if I've never been an anime fan other than watching Naruto as a kid, the next street art sort of reminds me of that series but its real meaning and story remain unknown sadly. A thing that I do appreciate tho, is to see both the mystic creature and the girl smiling, which can contribute to making the locals and those passing by follow the same attitude.
Name: NASCA ONE (2021)
Artists: Unknown
Location: Aleea Haiducului 1, Sibiu 550360, România
Next up, we have an artwork that might seem very suggestive to many of us if you are a fan of daily routines especially if you think about those happening in the morning. Hence why, the artist picked the morning as being the main idea from where she will elaborate the rest of the story, but obviously everything created from a different perspective while still remaining in touch with the common tasks such as drinking coffee, watching TV, listening to the birds' trill and being under constant pressure of time.
Name: Same morning but different perspective (2021)
Location: Str. Hipodromului 4, Sibiu 550360, România
Flying is, perhaps, a superpower that would be chosen by many of us if we would ever get the chance to own one of these. Hence why, the next artwork which is amongst the oldest ones that still survive in town, represents the power of being mentally fit to fly. Every single person on this planet is unique in his own way, which means that every single one can fly mentally in his own way. And all these different people who dare to fly and be unique are represented within the body of the bird.
Name: D21 (2016)
Artists: Unknown
Location: Strada Electricienilor 1, Sibiu 550311, România
Last but not least, an artwork that I can observe from the balcony of my apartment feels a lot closer to my heart being also an overthinker which is the main theme for it. Despite what many people think saying that we should first care about our own person before getting involved in making others happy, this artwork is more of a warning sign that thinking about yourself is not wrong but should not happen all the time as your actions could harm the others, this being connected with overthinking in one way or another.
Name: CARE (2021)
Location: Strada Oștirii 7, Sibiu 557260, România
Previous posts containing Sibiu Street Art Festival's graffiti:
- Tracking down Street Art in Sibiu (#1)
- I think it's ART O'Clock! (#2)
- You Can't See Me! (#3)
- Lost In Wonderland (#4)

Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (300+ articles written on this field), but also approaching other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 700+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with travelling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

Let's keep in touch:
↪ Blog: http://gabrielastravels.wordpress.com/
↪ YouTube Travel: https://www.youtube.com/@GabrielaTravels
↪ YouTube Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/@DoiLupi
↪ Instagram Travel: https://www.instagram.com/GabrielaTravels/
↪ Instagram Gaming: https://www.instagram.com/doilupigaming/
↪ Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/gabrielatv/
↪ TikTok Travel: https://tiktok.com/@gabrielastravels/
↪ TikTok Gaming: https://www.tiktok.com/@doilupigaming
↪ Discord: GabrielaTravels
↪ Facebook Travel: https://www.facebook.com/gabrielaistraveling/
↪ Facebook Gaming: https://www.facebook.com/doilupigaming/
↪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GabrielaTravels

Loved the set of the five street art murals. My favourite one is definitely is "Same morning but different perspective". Sometimes we just have to look around to find out the special part of something that we think is always the same thing.
Enjoy your week and thank you for your share of some Romanian Street Art!
Thank you so much for checking my post out! That one is, I think, my 2nd favourite one from this post. Really hard to put them in a top since I enjoy them almost equally.
Yep, very difficult to choose one, and only one... I totally agree with you 😅
Have a great week 😉
You too! :)
Wahoo great walls... high quality especially the first and last works. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.
Have a lovely day
Thank you very much! It was really hard to pick the one to get in the contest this time haha
A broom closet.
Credit: reddit
@gabrielatravels, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of curart38
Thank you!