Communication conversation

When it comes to communication, interaction and connection with people I prefer to do it face to face...and coffee and cake helps that along quite nicely.
I find it's easier to connect in that way due to the additional information available: Body language, both overt and micro-expressions, voice tone and modulation, intonation and the ability to clarify or confirm easily if required to list a few. So much communication is done remotely these days, text message, email, video messages and social media and even business is conducted in this way - often time-efficient - but I prefer face to face interactions.
This preference is probably age related however I certainly use the other methods when required - unavoidable really - and make them work. It's situational; there's a time for the less-than-ideal remote or digital forms of communication and for the more effective in-person method.
I recently had a meeting conducted on Teams (Microsoft) via computer. Much rested on that meeting and yeah, the entire thing was a fucken dogs' breakfast - That means it went badly.
It was disjointed, awkward, disconnected and inefficient/ineffectual through poor connection at the other person's end, the lighting was poor so reading facial and body language was virtually impossible and at no time did we find synergy, rapport or a comfort zone; it was terrible and the result was sub-optimal because of it. That happens of course, and any of you who have had important meetings via Teams or other such means will attest to that I'm sure.
There was nothing I could do about it other than draw a line beneath it and move on knowing it was wasted time for both parties and probably a missed opportunity.
It made me think about communication in 2023 as opposed to the past...twenty five, fifty, even a hundred years ago.
A hundred years ago people didn't have google, social media or often the ability to know or understand much of what was occurring outside of their immediate area. These days, everyone's an expert on everything thanks to the internet and google. I think that's changed how communication happens; people talk at each other not with each other, is what I'm getting at, (I mean generally speaking of course), Aand the rise of the telephone, text messages, emails and internet has altered things dramatically. A good thing? Progress? Or is true and effective human to human communication in decline?
I think the latter, and I don't think it's a good thing, especially since a lot of the time AI technology is taking the place of human communication: Online chat responders, AI scanners to review job applicant's CV's, Google assistant, Alexa, Siri and so opens communication up to failings; the distortion of information and communication and that gives rise to many others knock-on issues.
This post isn't really about AI though, it's more about my thoughts on the lack of connection and communication between humans and how I feel its ultimately to our detriment as individuals and a society. With that in mind I thought I'd pose the question to you folks.
Would you prefer face to face interactions in social or professional situations over digital interaction? Do you feel there's a benefit that comes from face to face communication over digital? Are your verbal and physical communication skills well-developed and effective or do they need work? Have you had awkward interactions in person or via digital methods and if so what went wrong and why and where do you see in-person interactions going in the future? Have you ever had bad digital communication, what happened and why and have you had a communication failure that cost you a job or promotion, a friendship or intimate relationship?
Feel free to comment on these things or generally on the topic if you're interested in doing so.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
The way you talk about preferring face-to-face chats over digital ones totally makes sense. That Teams meeting sounds like a real mess, and it got me thinking about how tech might be affecting our real connections. It's a tough balance between convenience and the depth of real interaction, right
I think there's a use-case for electronic/digital communication, we live in a tech-loaded and fast-paced world, however I think people rely on it for too much of their communication which can mean people's in-person communication can suffer, decline. It's a slippery slope and once upon it can be difficult to get back up and so it's not just communication that backslides but relationships themselves.
That's my opinion anyway; I'm no expert on it though.
I get it. It's true that technology has its perks, but relying too heavily on it might risk missing out on the richness of face-to-face communication. Moderacy is key.
I agree most of the time it is much better to have a face-to-face meeting but it is just not feasible many times. Work and communications are global today, you meet and deal with people from all over professionally and due to physical distance and schedules there just may be no other way.
I completely agree you get much more from a face-to-face meeting, you are able to connect better and get those contextual facts you can hardly get on a video conference, also, when technology fails, it is really a pain in the ass to try to have the meeting ongoing.
My take is to try to have personal meetings with new people for the first time, to me, a first meeting is key in many senses and I try to have it face-to-face if possible, once a first meeting is done, the rest can be online if schedules are hard to match.
You're right, it's not always feasible if people are not in the same location, quite clearly. I think my point is more about people relying on digital communication when they do not need to because, quite obviously, there's times when it is required; a time and place for both as I said in my post I suppose.
U change your blogging style a bit 😉...
There is always some improvement areas, not sure how good anybody be in their communication , they still can be not only about communication but in ever sphere of life....I am not yet digital savvy, so i prefer to a face 2 face interaction. Even when I was in office any telephonic meeting ends with me being a silent listener....The only problem I face is dealing with a female...can't face them at all..I get nervous...
Communication is a fluid thing and it changes depending on who, where, what and why I suppose, but the fundamentals are always the same.
You raise an interesting point about being nervous when it comes to face to face communications with certain people and I think that can be a big that won't improve if one does it less. There's some fundamental elements to good communication and it can then get quite complicated the more one delves into it, however there's some really great resources to help people improve their skills. Avoidance is not one of them.
It's not avoiding...I am good at known one but when it comes to talking any new eye to eye then I start shaking my kegs...but last few years I managed that...
I didn't say you were avoiding, I was speaking generally about people avoiding situations that make them feel awkward or uncomfortable (face to face conversations, public speaking, difficult decisions and so on) and how the way forward is to learn to do things better rather than avoidance.
There is an art of doing everything...and avoiding them may result in making people.introvert...The more we face the challenges the more we get better...and polish our personality
I like that line you wrote:
Well said indeed!
😇😇😇 life teaches us many things
Life surely does, sometimes in easy ways and sometimes through hard lessons. Learning is learning though.
At the end it is important to learn the lesson..and make sure not to repeat the situation again
That is for sure one thing that I take some time reflecting about it. IMHO nothing compares with a proper face to face interaction. As you mentioned in your post, so many micro expressions, or even posture adaption that the interlocutors take are under disguised through a "modern way of communication". Some times, I pick up the phone and call the person (imagine that I'm far away, and there is no other possibility of interaction). This weekend, for instance, I've travelled to Porto, just to be in person with 4 of my best friends. Today, I'll return to my home... but with my heart fill with warmth of this meeting. Have a great Sunday, @galenkp!
It's simply a more effective way of communicating I think as there's less room for misinterpretation and a greater ability to build better rapport which can lead to better communication and future relationship. It's a no-brainer I think, although there's certainly room for digital communication where required; for me, I'll defer to face to face where possible and practicable.
There's so many benefits to face to face interaction as you would have found out over this weekend.
Thanks for your comments.
I tend to agree.
Face to face when possible, for sure. Having said that, my entire coaching business is run online and all my clients see me via Zoom. We do well and I love the geographic and time freedom it affords me, as well as my ability to serve humana from a wode range of backgrounds.
Yes, for all the reasons you mentioned. Although, one plus side of digital that I wouldn't have considered before doing the work I do is the relative sense of safety a client can have by being in their own home when doing vulnerable work with me.
They are and they can always do with more work. I believe that (really good) communication needs to be seen as a practice that we can forever improve as opposed to a skill we learn once and we're done. (The latter is how I think most people view it, is they actually consider it at all).
Digital communication is great, when it works, and I use it's just that I prefer to do things in person where possible as, putting every advantage of digital communication aside, I believe it to be a much more effective means of communication. It has it's place though, as you point out.
It's situational. When I have communications across the world it's impossible to do so in person each day. When I'm at the bar hanging out with my friends I prefer face to face. If I was to be pitching for a contract with a client I could see in my own city in a face to face meeting I'd choose that over digital, if I was proposing marriage to my girl I'd want to be doing that in person too. Text messages and emails get used far too much and in cases where (I feel) here's better options.
Putting all the logistical pros and cons aside, I think we both agree that face to face communication is a far better form of communication.
!LOL Yes. To all of this. Especially proposing to your girl in person. 😁😉☺️
Lol, don't send an email you reckon?
!LOL 😂
A message in a bottle would be cute. But still, it's more analogue than digital. 😁
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Hey mate
I just gave my presentation on Microsoft teams to my university professor.
Our class strength is huge and that's why it was impossible to take all the presentations in physical classes, so he decided to take some online.
Believe you me that it was a real mess, internet problems, unknown noises (I really don't know), I will always prefer face to face interactions when it comes to something professional or related to something important.
I don't know how much Marks professor will award me with now, just pray for me😅
It can seem more time-efficient to do things digitally like this, convenient and "easy" but that doesn't make it the best form of communication just, a way of communication. We have to work around it I guess, but giving preference to face to face is they want I prefer to do it.
I'm sure your marks will be ok.
Yup. Face to face interactions are always best.
And thanks, I scored 12/15 in the presentation 🌹
Better than 11/15. ✅
Exactly 😂💯
I will tell you my experience. It's only been a few years since I participated in any social network, I never liked them. In 2020 I got out of the only whassap group in which I actively participated. Without context (silences, tone of voice, pauses, looks, body tone, etc.) there came a time when there was more noise than message. However, I think that the biggest problem of the networks is in their use, I think that many people use them only to look for applause, not to communicate. I observe this especially in young people and the truth, I think it is a reflection of the world in which we live and where we are going. Greetings and thanks for offering this space
I totally agree with you, most are looking for some form of acceptance, validation or relevance that they can't find within themselves; seeking it externally isn't the way to go though.
I don't use social media and only use WhatsApp to communicate with family that are spread all over the world, mostly on video chats; I prefer to live my life in the real world and have a desire to find real relationships in my face to face interactions; it's where I find the value. I'm around your age, a little younger, and maybe it's an age-related thing, the preference for more tangible connections, although effective communication isn't at all an age thing, it's a human thing.
I'm not surprised to read your remarks and totally agree. I also think we'd communicate well face to face.
I also think we could have a nice conversation over a good coffee and face to face. For now I enjoy very much with this communication space. Best regards.
All the best to you for Sunday also. Enjoy it.
Thank you very much, see you soon
Or the complete lack of the communication. There is not even an illusion in this case.
I asked you in a comment why are you downvoting me again, and instead of writing any answer, you downvoted that comment too.
Just to be clear. I do not fight with no one. I am not your enemy. I just write a personal diary on the Hive blockchain. This is all.
Whyever you doing the downvotes, I will not argue with you. I will not fight with you. I will not change. I continue documenting my life on the Hive blockchain, and this includes writing my thoughts, even about Bittrex, whether you like it or not.
Bittrex will shut down every trading activity on Bittrex Global by 2023.12.04, and I wrote a grateful post, in which I thanked them for the services they provided. I used Bittrex between 2017 and 2021.
And you downvoted that post. I asked you kindly to explain what is the reason for the downvote.
There is really nothing wrong in the post. The post is not offensive at all, there are no arguments, debates, nor personal attacks, neither any other abuse in it.
Only me saying thank you to an exchange for years of service. The screenshot is about the e-mail I received from them. Seriously. Why is this wrong? Is a post like this really deserve downvotes?
If the post still offends you (or anyone else) in any way, then I am really sorry, because it is not intentional. I would like to let you know in this case that I did not intended to offend noone.
As I wrote above, I continue documenting my life on the Hive blockchain.
This is a decentralised platform with the freedom of speech, and everyone has the right to use the platform the way they like.
Maybe you are one of the biggest rocks on the Hive blockchain, but I am a river on the Hive blockchain. So I am flowing through. So downvoting me is really meaningless. It will not stop me.
Thank you for understanding.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
It is very true what you explain, in particular I find it very difficult to communicate through electronic media, even by phone I remember several times where I was called to discuss a matter and just considered the situation immediately hung up the call, I did not feel comfortable without the interaction, that important part of observing gestures, body language even immediate reactions that are only perceived when they are face to face, even if it is a group of people, capturing all those details is better; that brings two benefits: the first one is to perceive if they are understanding what you are saying and if it is pleasant and secondly, it gives you confidence and allows you to understand that there is effective communication. Of course as you yourself comment this is variable, it will depend on the circumstances, age, motives, interests and many more, one thing is for sure for there to be a good communication there must be interaction of both parties, when that happens with respect, empathy and consideration there will always be good results. Greetings and thank you for sharing this interesting reflection.
Body language is a huge part of effective communication, I think about sixty seven percent; words can be meaningless if not supported by the right body language which makes face to face communication more valid. That's not to say digital communication i8s worthless, just less effective I think.
Thanks for your comments which I agree with and I appreciate you adding something to the conversation by way of your thoughts and opinions.
Depends on the distance as well. If the person doesn't live too far I think meeting face to face would be reasonable but if it was like you and me then I think online would probably be ideal yeah?
In the end I feel it's preference but I guess do to technology there has been less face to face Interactions. U can shop from online, order food from online, literally there's people never leave their house .
Then I think humans we are social creatures. We are bound to need some sort of social interaction. I think somebody that had absolutely no communication with any other person would prob go insane. It would be like living in a world alone like I just don't see how anybody would want that .
Personally for me I'm fine with both and I prefer just texting sometimes. It's quick and easy and maybe add some emojis to understand better the tone. Can also use voice messages or video calls but I don't really like video calls.
Had the charity treasure hunt today and it feels people are fine with communication face to face
I still think at the core of it all, things haven't changed that much. Still communicating and all but with a bit of convenience for long distance and staying in touch with those not too close.
Face to face is good once in a while to catch up with friends. Those are usually good times just sharing whatz happened in life
Ok I have no idea what I'm saying I'm super tired 🤣
As my posts says, there's use cases. Clearly if someone is on the other side of the world a face to face situation isn't possible.
ya I did see you mention that but i was just covering fully my thoughts haha.
I agree with everything in this article. On a professional level, i think electronic communication is more efficient since in the business world, everything must be quick. And what better way to get the communication done swiftly than by relaying it thru a simple email or chat. However, on a personal level, its quite different. And yes, body language and all sorts of non verbal communication really plays an important part. So i guess theres pros and cons in this one.
Efficiency is fine, I agree, but doesn't always mean things are being done in the best way. There's times to use digital forms of communication and times when other methods should be employed. As i said in my post, pros and cons.
Face-to-face communication is very important, especially because text messages usually cause problems and confusion for the interpreter... even audio can cause such problems, it has happened to me. When you send a text you don't find there the emphasis, the tone of voice, the facial expressions and so on.
I do have digital communications but by video calls with Argentina on social issues.... let's call it that. Inevitably two or three times a month I have to do it, although I don't like it very much, but I have no choice.
Between text and audio, I prefer audio, I listen to the other person and I can tell from the tone of voice what their mood is like, but that has to do with empathy.
As for AIs, I don't like the idea of them answering for you, analysing data and so on... I don't know who they are to evaluate .... ... they don't inspire confidence in me.
Digital communication often gives rise to misunderstandings or is not entirely comfortable... that's what I think.
Thanks Galen! I hope you had a great Sunday!
I believe a lot of communication issues (in person or digitally) are derailed by poor communication methods and techniques; some are seemingly ok with it, and the drama and issues it raises but I am not, so I work towards communicating more effectively. People can do what they like I suppose, but when problems arise due to their poor communications methods and skills they'll only have themselves to blame.
Exactly, everyone chooses the method, for example with my friends here... It's face to face communication and at work I prefer it to be like that too, it's more fluid communication and understanding as well.
Now we have a couple of methods for communication but in person is the best. It's one of the best ways to have a conversation with one or a group of people. We ca use email, chat and nowadays even call on Zoom or team but nothing can beat the face-to-face conversation. These are alternatives that can be availed meeting in person is not possible. My experience says on calls like Zoom people drag the conversation for a long while it can sorted in less time. I am in job as of now in my previous experience I had to go through this a lot and even with emails something there is a problem with interpretation.
valid point and now with technology we have a lot of information and this also creates chaos sometimes. Nice topic @galenkp
Hope your weekend is going great and your coffee looks nice.
There's a place for all methods of communication, one needs to know what and when though, considering that some methods are less good than others.
Mobile internet in the Philippines was not that great [still could be better] when I was applying for a job and we had a phone interview via video call. My internet was acting up, the connection was intermittent, and I think that was the cause on why I didn't get the job. I was too focused on how to make my connection better instead of answering their questions.
I do think digital meetings bring some good as well. Short meetings can be through it. There are time when face to face meetings get longer because the bosses socialize at the start/middle/end of the meeting. Of course when communicating with people abroad, the digital meetings is so much better since we can share the presentation, and discuss things as if they were also physically in the room.
Digital meetings bring great benefits sometimes...but they are are not the best way of communicating as you have pointed out. People hide behind it though, and results are poorer because of it... fortunately society accepts (and promotes) mediocrity and the barely good enough ethos so it's all good...until it's not.
It is an undeniable fact that face to face communication is the best way of interaction with my oppinoin. Face to face communication is at times challenging, that is, when you are a little shy but is the best as you can take control and play for the conversation to go in your favor.
Being shy happens to some of us but because face to face communication is easier to get right it is a better way to overcome that situation.
I've thought so many times that I would just like to close my social media accounts and stop using the communication apps (wouldn't close those because of emergencies), but everytime I try to go for that idea, I just end up making excuses to myself or forget about it.
Yeah, I understand, but as someone who made that same decision and actually followed through (years ago) by cancelling Facebook and Twitter (and never going back) I can confirm it was the best thing ever. It's a personal choice though.
I prefer face-to-face communication, although I do not consider myself a good verbal communicator at all. But I believe that 50% of communication is bodily expression. That's why nowadays communication is much colder because there are intermediaries, technology and its conditions. There is nothing like a face-to-face conversation.
Body language is a very large component of communication and one that can be lost on video chats and certainly through other firms of digital communication; I think that's one of the big disconnections and one of the causes of poor communication.
I agree!
I think solutions like Teams have a place. They work well when there is a singular person speaking, but when you try to add a group setting to the mix it gets messy like you said. My job doesn't really require me to be able to read people in meetings, so that part doesn't impact me too much. I can understand how it can be important for other professions though.
How do you feel about digital communications in respect of personal (non-professional) situations?
I often text my friends more than I talk to them on the phone. I know it's horrible, but I kind of get annoyed when I text them and they call me back instead of texting me back.
I rarely text back, I call. Having said that, when someone calls and I can't answer, and they leave no voice message, I never call back. Ever.
I figure, if it was important they would have left a message, or sent a text so if they do not I just forget about it. My phone is for my convenience, not theirs.
To be fair, usually they are driving, so they can't really text me back and I think that is why they call. I just don't handle phone conversations well.
That's why I call rather than text.
I completely resonate with your preference for face-to-face interactions.
AI technologies is definitely playing an increasing role for the modern era but it's crucial to recognize the unique qualities of human interaction. The empathy, understanding, and emotional connection that come with face-to-face conversations are hard to replicate digitally.
People talk about AI being the way forward but I disagree, people get swept up in the moment though, and often it's not until it's too late they realise their error. There's many cases of that in history.
Example: The use of Thalidomide in the 1950's as a morning sickness preventative for pregnant women. Didn't go well.
People will say, "this is different though," and only time will tell.
Your perspective on AI is thought-provoking. It's true, history is dotted with instances where enthusiasm led to unforeseen consequences. The Thalidomide example is a good reminder although I didn't know about it till you said so.
It's crucial to approach advancements cautiously. Time will indeed unveil the true impact.
People go all in because on the surface it seems good. It's often far too late when the realisation comes that it's not always, and rarely is, all good.
Well, I really worry about the prophecy of Stephen Hawking as machines could one day take charge and might be the end of human race.
I am using Starlink to post this.
Starlink/Skynet just sayin'
Love that Miami Vice giphy.
Yeah, it's something most should be concerned and mindful of, but most are not. Humanities' drive to find easier ways to do things and easier lives will cause its own demise automating jobs and out-sourcing to machines/robots and AI.
That's the bitter truth.
I have become more aware of the body language, human and animal, as it is the best way to communicate with most cats. Especially one that is not very vocal like Sammi Jo. 👍
Blizzards first fire

Cats are good at it, doing it and reading it, as are dogs. humans ar less attuned to reading it...well, everyone reads it but only through learning more about it can a person can understand the small nuances and meanings I guess. Some is obvious, like flipping the bird. 😉
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I don't think J likes Teams very much either (vague suspicion from the amount of times I hear I HATE TEAMS! pretty much every time he has to do anything at all with it) XD
I prefer text communication in general (it's much easier for me to process, probably something to do with the audio processing shenanigans) but there are several situations where nothing will be better than face to face (not even video calls).
Only vaguely related I like that we have superfast electronic communications to bridge time and distance gaps.
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