results alive

Dear ALIVE Delegates,

We are delighted to address this message to you following the rewards distributed yesterday to our loyal ALIVE delegates. After this distribution, we have immediately resumed accumulating rewards to prepare the next dividends. These dividends will be paid to you once we have reached the set payment threshold.

As usual, we are waiting to accumulate a total of 300 ALIVE before proceeding with the distribution of gains. This threshold is crucial to ensure a fair and substantial distribution to each of our delegates.

To keep you informed about the progress of this accumulation, we have included a screenshot below, which clearly illustrates our current progress. We encourage you to consult this screenshot for a detailed view of our current status.

We want to express our gratitude for your trust and continued commitment to ALIVE. Your support is essential for the growth and prosperity of our community.

We remain at your disposal for any further questions or clarifications. Thank you for your attention, and we send you our best regards.


