Healer's Traits Contest: Forest Healer

Greetings hivers Holozing, it is a pleasure to participate in this interesting contest; besides it motivates me a lot, since the users of the platform are included in this fantastic project, where we collaborate through the creation and transformation of the characters of this project and for that reason I am very grateful for this kind intention.

My choice to work has been Forest Healer, since everything that has to do with nature calls me a lot of tension, especially the green and yellow colors that the character has, even though they are not among my favorite shades, but when it comes to nature, everything is accepted.


As for my proposal, I made very visible changes in almost all the character. The first thing was the hair, to this I made a very noticeable change of look, since I gathered part of the hair only the front part that falls on the face, I made a bun on the top of the head holding it with the branch of the tree that previously wore on the forehead and on the shoulders a clineja; for the hair color, I changed it to an emerald tone with a quite wavy, abundant and long.

This is followed by the costume, so I started by changing the old clothes for a more updated one that makes this character an interesting healer. The turtleneck blouse was replaced by a t-shirt type top with a large clover right at the bust, which shows off the attributes of this girl, I also changed the jacket for a more updated version, being this one with long sleeves and in one of them has a clover, it is short in the body part; so that both the top and jacket match; I also incorporated a cameo for the neck with a clover, which matches the earrings.

Illustrative Steps

This illustration was elaborated in the vector program Inkscape, when I opened my worksheet the first thing I did was to select the bezier tool to draw the sketch, this took me six hours of work given the different ones I decided to do, besides; in several occasions I needed to make modifications like with the hair that at the beginning I did it straight, then I didn't like the aspect so I had to eliminate it and start working in something new and convincing, the same happened with the jacket, but at the end I achieved what I was looking for. At the moment of coloring it was a little complicated, since it was a lot of green so I had to try the different tonalities that the palette of the program offers to be able to differentiate them, to place brightness and shade, what I did was to enlarge the image and select to apply the different filters to give better appearance to my design and finally I placed two backgrounds, the first one is a light blue color that when I degraded it in radial form gave me a very warm aspect that when combining it with a rectangle of lilac color was made a quite pleasant contrast to the sight.

100% contenido original de @giocondina

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