Problems faced by Passengers Using Public Transportation.


Hello Everyone in the #Hiveghanacommunity. Welcome to my blog. It's another exciting and a promising week. I hope we're all positive to achieve great things this week.


Going through the Topics for this week prompt I decided to write on the problems passengers face with public transportation. People go through inconveniences on a daily basis with public transportations. Having to fight into getting a seat in a bus and struggling with the heat there due to overloading of passengers. Public transportation is one thing we cannot avoid. It is one that allows you to travel from one place to another easily. Most people prefer using public transportation especially with the economic crises in order to save cost. But badly that they do not get the comfort they should get while using public transport.

Public transportation on its own is an easy means of transportation but the daily challenges faced by passengers is not something palatable. I have had so many bad experiences boarding public transportation during going to school or going to work. I encounter reckless drivers that if you try to warn them against their driving you end up getting insulted or end up being asked to come down from the bus due to that. I had to deal with several body odours from other passengers due to the excessive sweating because of how congested the bus will be .A Lot of challenges that always make me tired of boarding public transport. I can recall one of the days I was late to work. I boarded a taxi. I was just alone in the taxi. The driver sped in such a way that i wished i had waited a little more longer rather than rushing to board a bus that would have ended my life.Another major issue the driver has is overcrowding passengers thereby making one comfortable.


The problem associated with public transportation begins with us and will also end with us. We are the ones to create the change we desire. When the drivers first recognize that they inconvenience their passengers, I believe they will be intentional about making a change effectively; they will just pick the accurate number of people per seat making the passenger sit properly and convenient for others.

Another thing is that Drivers should also checkmate their reckless driving. They should first look out for themselves so they will be able to look out for others. The issue of drinking and driving should really be prohibited. A Lot of drivers take to drinking and after that they come to the road driving carelessly and putting the lives of others at risk.

Lastly, the issue of being unfriendly with passengers. I sometimes tend to wonder why a driver will mount the road for business and end up fighting with all the passengers he comes across with and yet expects passengers hopping into his transport system.

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I still remain @gloreal.

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This reckless driving by public transport drivers is a major issue. It's almost as if they don't care that they have passengers on board


The thing with drivers fighting with passengers are even funny. So if you plan of fighting with the people that will give you money, why pick them in the first place.


I think of that too. But most dont see anything wrong with that.


Driving and drinking is definitely a no no at all. Sometimes it’s just a wonder why these drivers do that.We only hope they do better.


I sure hope they do better because alot of lives have been destroyed in the process.
