AFRITUNE WEEK 118- Total submission cover by Godaddict [ENG/ESP]

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Greetings from Nigeria 😊
I'v not been strong this past days but I had to brace up and participate in this week's Afritune contest.
So this week I will doing a song by a Nigerian Gospel Artist Ebuka songs title Total submission. Just as the songs title goes as Christians we are supposed to submit our whole being in totality to God. The message translation of the bible would say in Romans 12:1 and 2 that we should place our eating, sleeping, drinking, going out life, as a sacrifice before God.

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

This song to me is an awakening call, listening to it and even singing it has brought me to consciousness that my everyday life and doings should please my maker.
My will, my ways and my wish should be what God wants 🙏.

 ******Song lyrics*******

Let Your WILL be my WILL
Let Your WISH be my WISH
Let Your WAYS be my WAYS
I Submit it all to You
I Submit my Life to You

I just want You to be
Glorified, Glorified, Glorified
In my Life
Lord, I just want You to be
Glorified, Glorified, Glorified
In my Life
I Submit it all to You
I Submit my Life to You
Song lyrics


Saludos desde Nigeria 😊 No he estado fuerte estos últimos días pero tuve que prepararme y participar en el concurso Afritune de esta semana. Así que esta semana haré una canción de un artista de gospel nigeriano Canciones de Ebuka con título Presentación total. Así como dice el título de la canción, como cristianos se supone que debemos someter todo nuestro ser en su totalidad a Dios. La traducción del mensaje de la Biblia diría en Romanos 12:1 y 2 que debemos poner nuestro comer, dormir, beber y salir de nuestra vida como sacrificio delante de Dios.

Así que esto es lo que quiero que hagas, con la ayuda de Dios: toma tu vida cotidiana y ordinaria (dormir, comer, ir a trabajar y caminar) y colócala ante Dios como una ofrenda. Aceptar lo que Dios hace por ti es lo mejor que puedes hacer por él. No te adaptes tanto a tu cultura como para encajar en ella sin siquiera pensarlo. En cambio, fija tu atención en Dios. Serás cambiado desde adentro hacia afuera. Reconozca fácilmente lo que quiere de usted y responda rápidamente. A diferencia de la cultura que te rodea, que siempre te arrastra hacia su nivel de inmadurez, Dios saca lo mejor de ti, desarrolla en ti una madurez bien formada.

Esta canción para mí es un llamado de atención, escucharla e incluso cantarla me ha hecho tomar conciencia de que mi vida y mis acciones cotidianas deben complacer a mi creador. Mi voluntad, mis caminos y mi deseo deben ser los que Dios quiere 🙏.

▶️ 3Speak


I really like this song and the way you presented it was a 10/10.


Oh my God😍 see a spirit-filled voice I really enjoyed listening to this song for the first time from you. You sang so well, ma'am.


Awesome singing @godaddict
It's a pleasure listening to your participation..
Thank You For Sharing This With Us

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