The Orchid Show - February 24, 2024 @goldenoakfarm


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On Saturday morning I was up early at 4AM. It’s been a long time since I woke up that early but I’d managed to stay in bed all night. I got a load of dishes in and chores done and got ready to go to the Orchid Show. My friend was picking me up just after 8:30AM.

There was a small line when we got there just before the doors opened at 9AM.

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My friend and I both stopped at the t shirt table. I got a pink one and she got a white one. Then we went inside. My plan was to get as many photos as I could before the crowds arrived. Then I would go around again and enjoy the flowers. So here are the flowers in the order I photographed them. I didn’t try to get names this year. So the few names there are may or may not apply to the flower.

When I prepared to leave the house, I’d checked the batteries on the camera and it said they were fine. But when I turned the camera on at the show, it said they were low. I was amazed I made all these photos with flash with what was left.

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In the middle of the room there is a very large display. They use fascinating foliage plants around the base.

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These were all from my first pass around the room. They had a line of chairs set up and so I sat down for a while. I still had not recovered from my busy week.

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On my next pass around I took these.

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This was an interesting orchid. The leaves were not so good, but the tiny flower caught my attention.

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I got a few shots of these lady slipper types. Their glistening waxy surfaces are captivating.

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I took these because I thought they looked an awful lot like pansies.

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After the second round I sat and enjoyed the scents around me. There weren’t yet enough people to disperse them.

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After my rest, I went to check out the vendor section. There’s a woman photographer in the first booth and she has beautiful things. I got this magnet for my fridge.

After touring this section, I got a bottle of water and sat people watching. The crowds were pouring in as it was almost 10AM. My friend was having a field day in the vendor section while I waited for her.

We left just as the crowds were getting bad. It had been a lovely way to spend an early Saturday morning. Next we were off for brunch. More on that in the next post.


Never seen these many orchids before, a blast of colours in different shades and hues. Very amazing! No wonder it's called an orchid show.


I'm sure the Pink t-shirt would suit you just fine and I didn't know orchids could come in all these colours.


Beautiful orchids! So many of them! Your camera is good at capturing these photos. So lovely to have sweet fragrance orchids there too.


I was wowed by the first photo of that brilliant orange. I would have a hard time choosing what was a favorite as they are all so beautiful.
Glad you enjoyed your day out.


I can see a burst of colours and I can also imagine a burst of fragrances. The orchids are really so so beautiful.
