Holozing fanart - Forest healer king


Holo friends, I hope you're doing well. Today I bring you the forest healer in his male version, in the rank of king. The outfit this healer acquires is a bit more wild. His capture weapon is a bow with enchanted arrows. His mask is made of a log that is supposed to protect those who worship it and his cloak is made directly from moss, which is covered in mushrooms and gives the healer an air of mysticism as if he were a mythical creature of the forest. On his hands he has a tattooed clover of his affinity which is merely decorative as he is covered in tattoos and under the mask you can see that he has a long white beard which suggests that he is a person with a lot of experience and that perhaps he is the one who has been in that rank the longest. I hope you like it.

Holo amigos, espero esten bien, hoy les traigo al sanador del bosque en version masculina en su rango de rey, el atuendo que adquiere este sanador es de uno un poco mas salvaje, su arma de captura es un arco con flechas encantadas, su mascara esta hecha de un tronco que supone da proteccion a sus fielesy su manto esta hecho directamente con musgo, que lo tiene cubierto de hongos y le dan al sanador un aire de misticismo como si de una criatura mitica del bosque se tratara, en sus manos lleva tatuado el trebol de su afinidad que es meramente decorativo ya que esta cubierto de tatuajes y debajo de la mascara se fuede ver que tiene una gran barba blanca lo que da a entender que es una persona con bastante experiencia y que quiza es el que lleva mas tiempo en ese rango. espero les guste.






