Holozing fanart - Light healer female version

Hello holozing community, today I come to show you a drawing of the healer of light made with markers, colored pencils and ink on paper, for this redesign, again I gave her a slightly adult appearance than the originals and changed her hair To give her that adult look more in line with her age, which is around 24 years old, I also changed the headband she normally had for one more in the shape of a halo behind her head. On her face you can see concern because she sees how Her companions are beginning to treat creatures as simple objects and not as living beings that are supposed to improve humanity and since her companions also end up very injured after battles, she focuses more on raising and rescuing creatures to give them a better life and no longer dedicates herself to fighting like she did when she was a teenager, I hope you like this redesign and a little history behind it.


Hola comunidad de holozing, hoy vengo a mostrarles un dibujo de la sanadora de la luz hecho con marcadores, lapices de colores y tinta sobre papel, para este rediseño, de nuevo le di un aspecto un poco mayor a los originales y le cambie el cabello para darle ese aspecto de adulta mas acorde a su edad que es de alrededor de unos 24 años, tambien le cambien el cintillo que tenia normalmente por uno mas en forma de halo detras de su cabeza, en su cara se siente preocupacion por que ve como sus compañeros estan empezando a tratar a las criaturas como simples objetos y no como seres vivos que se suponen estan para mejorar la humanidad y como sus compañeros tambien terminan muy heridos despues de las batallas, ella se enfoca mas en la cria y rescates de criaturas para darles una mejor vida y no se dedica ya a la lucha como lo hacia cuando era una adolescente, espero les guste este rediseño y un poco de historia detras de ella.









