Splinterlands Art Contest Week 302! - NAGA WARRIOR

Hello community, today I come to show you the drawing for the weekly @splinterlands contest, on this occasion I drew NAGA WARRIOR made with the mechanical pencil for the sketch and colored with alcohol-based markers that continue to surprise me with the quality for what cheap they were.

Hola comunidad, el dia de hoy lesvengo a mostrar el dibujo para el concurso semanal de @splinterlands, en esta ocasión dibuje a NAGA WARRIOR hecho con el portaminas para el boceto y coloreado con los marcadores a base de alcohol que siguen sorprendiendome la calidad para lo barato que fueron. 



At first I didn't know whether to do the complete drawing or just half of the character, in the end I decided to do half of the character to give her a slightly threatening pose since her personality is felt to be quite brave.

En un principio no sabia si hacer el dibujo completo o solo la mitad del personaje, al final decidi hacer la mitad del personaje para darle una pose un poco amenazante ya que su personalidad se siente que es bastante aguerrida.


As it is a drawing that does not have much color, I decided to outline the body and its clothes with the pen with a small brush tip first and then do the details and coloring.

Como es un dibujo que no lleva mucho color decidi delinear con el boligrafo con punta de brocha pequeña el cuerpo y su ropa primero para luego hacer detalles y el coloreado.


Here I started with the coloring of the necklace with a light blue tone, leaving white spaces to simulate the light and other details in black for the shadows.

Ya aca empece con el coloreado del collar con un tono azul claro dejando espacios en blanco para simular la luz y otros detalles en negro para las sombras. 


In this step I outlined her face, I realized that I started coloring it and I still didn't have her face outlined along with her hair.

en este paso le delinea la cara que me di cuenta que empece a colorearla y aun no tenia su rostro delineado junto con su cabello. 


Here we have her weapon colored with certain details and the drawing is almost completed

Ya aca tenemos su arma coloreada con ciertos detalles y el dibujo esta casi completado 


The drawing is now complete with all the details in her clothes and weapon as well as certain shadows that I made with the mechanical pencil on her chest and arm as well as I colored her eyes and the tiara on her forehead, I hope you like this drawing as much as To me, good luck to everyone.

Ya el dibujo completado con todos los detalles en su ropa y arma asi como ciertas sombras que le hice con el portaminas en su pecho y su brazo asi como tambien le coloree los ojos y la tiara en su frente, espero les gusten este dibujo tanto como a mi, mucha suerte a todos. 



