The row of powers-La fila de los poderes

Maritza ran quickly from work to the bus stop on her way home. She was really in a hurry because she had to get there as soon as possible since her sister, who was asthmatic, had told her by telepathy that she was feeling sick and she had been talking to her for an hour and she didn't answer.
As she entered the terminal she stumbled upon a super long queue that ended there and she could not see where it began, luckily for her (or at least she thought so) in the area where she picked up the van there was no queue. She ran as fast as possible relieved but that happiness dissipated as fast as a cigarette smoke because when she got in the van, the driver who had a certain resemblance to Santa Claus said to her
I'm sorry, Miss, but now things have changed and you must buy a ticket to go to your destination. That is, you must wait in line at the entrance of the terminal.
This has got to be a joke,” she said to herself. She then decided to make a decision that she never thought of making under any circumstances, but as a Venezuelan would say “When necessity has a dog's face, you have to do things you never imagined you would do”. She went slyly to the ticket office and as there was some distance between the queue and the cashier she was going to grab the next number to be attended.
What she didn't know, however, was that the last man in line was an old man with the super power of far vision and with all the breath he had he shouted to her:
Hey, the tail is back here!
Hearing this, the whole crowd of people there turned their eyes to where she was. She could feel the blood flowing to her face and she immediately turned as red as a tomato.
I'm sorry, I really have an emergency; my sister is asthmatic and a while ago she told me by telepathy that she was feeling
sick and now I'm talking to her and she doesn't answer me.
PERSON N°150 IN THE QUEUE And I have to go milk my alien sparrowhawk so that his feather dust will make me keep this figure because if I don't arrive before a specific time I will end up as the bus driver.
Hey! I heard every word you said and it doesn't seem fair. I'm not fat, I'm just competing with Santa.
So he does listen, but when you tell him to stop, he becomes deafer than my niece with the pillows.
That explains why when you say you hope he's not late because he's late for work, he takes longer than a snail in a salt maze.
Enough! I really need to be on time and if you don't do that for me, I don't know if my sister will resist.
If you tell me the address where your sister is, I can activate my GPS and tell you what I see her doing. That way you might calm down a bit and realize that there is nothing to worry about.
Maritza decided to accept the old man's proposal even though she knew she would lose what little energy she had, but she had to do it for her sister.
I see her lying on the floor with something on her head.
It can't be! She told me someone was stalking her, now maybe she can be on the other side.
I have the power to transport myself from one place to another but I usually need the help of many people because it takes a lot of energy.
Seeing Maritza's desperation, everyone agreed and made a huge circle that surrounded almost the entire terminal. Without realizing it, from one moment to the next everyone had solved their problems and Maritza was at the door of her urbanization where there was a motorcycle that took each person in the queue to the door of their house. Maritza saw the motorcycle and someone told her again “Hey, the queue is back here!” but this time she grabbed the motorcycle and drove herself home where she found her sister lying on the floor with a pillow on her head and listening to music. She had fallen asleep on the floor and was bothered by the light so she put a pillow over her head.
Suddenly Maritza heard her phone ringing and she was in a group called “The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #204” with the following message
I know you may be wondering how they are in that group and how is it possible that everyone from one moment to the next was out of trouble. That happens because they all have a unique super power and they united to help, and when that happens the union of powers makes the problems disappear. If you liked this trip, don't forget to always travel with the #theinkwell terminal and you will always have a different story.

Maritza corría rápidamente desde su trabajo hasta la parada de autobuses que iban a su casa. Estaba realmente apurada pues debía llegar lo más pronto posible ya que su hermana quien era asmática le había dicho por telepatía que se sentía mal y hacía una hora que ella le hablaba y no le contestaba.
Al entrar al terminal tropezó con una cola súper larga que terminaba ahí y no veía donde empezaba, por suerte para ella (o al menos eso pensó) en la zona donde ella agarraba camioneta no había cola. Corrió lo más rápido posible aliviada pero esa felicidad se disipó tan veloz como el humo de un cigarro ya que al montarse en la camioneta, el conductor que tenía cierto parecido a Santa Claus le dijo
Lo siento señorita pero ahora las cosas cambiaron y debe comprar el boleto para poder ir hasta su destino. Es decir, debe hacer la cola que llega a la entrada del terminal.
Casi le daba algo “Esto tiene que ser una broma” se dijo para sí misma. Decidió entonces tomar una decisión que nunca pensó hacer bajo ninguna circunstancia pero como diría un venezolano “Cuando la necesidad tiene cara de perro, hay que hacer cosas que no imaginaste hacer”. Se dirigió disimuladamente a la taquilla y como había cierta distancia entre la cola y la caja iba a agarrar el próximo número para hacer atendida.
Sin embargo lo que ella no sabía es que el último señor de la fila, era un anciano con súper poder de visión lejana y con todo el aliento que tenía le gritó
¡Eh, la cola está aquí detrás!
Al escuchar esto, toda la cantidad de personas que allí se encontraban voltearon la vista hacia donde ella estaba. Podía sentir cómo la sangre fluía a su cara y en seguida se puso roja como un tomate.
Lo siento, de verdad tengo una emergencia; mi hermana es asmática y hace un buen rato me dijo por telepatía que se sentía mal y ahora le hablo y no me responde.
Y yo tengo que ir a ordeñar a mi gavilán extraterrestre para que su polvo de plumas me haga mantener esta figura porque si no llego antes de una hora en específico terminaré como el conductor del autobús
¡Oye! Escuché cada palabra que dijiste y no me parece justo. Yo no estoy gordo, sólo estoy compitiendo con Santa.
Entonces sí escucha, pero cuando uno le dice que se detenga se vuelve más sordo que mi sobrina con los almohadífonos
Eso explica porque cuando uno dice que ojalá que no tarde porque va tarde al trabajo se tarda más que un caracol en un laberinto de sal.
¡Basta! De verdad necesito llegar a tiempo y si ustedes no hacen eso por mí, no sé si mi hermana resistirá.
Si me dices la dirección en donde se encuentra tu hermana, yo puedo activar mi GPS y decirte lo que veo que está haciendo. De esa manera capaz te tranquilices un poco y te des cuenta que no hay nada que preocuparse.
Maritza decidió aceptar la propuesta del anciano aún sabiendo que perdería la poca energía que tenía pero debía hacerlo por su hermana.
La veo acostada en el piso con algo en la cabeza.
¡No puede ser! Ella me dijo que alguien la acosaba, ahora quizás puede estar en el otro lado.
Yo tengo el poder de transportarme de un sitio a otro pero normalmente necesito la ayuda de muchas personas porque requiere mucha energía.
Viendo la desesperación de Maritza todos accedieron e hicieron un enorme círculo que rodeaba casi todo el terminal. Sin darse cuenta, de un momento a otro cada uno había resuelto sus problemas y Maritza estaba en la puerta de su urbanización en la que había una moto que a cada persona de la cola la llevaba hasta la puerta de su casa. Maritza vio la moto y alguien le dijo de nuevo “¡Eh, la cola está aquí detrás!” pero esta vez agarró la moto y manejó ella hasta su casa donde se encontró a su hermana acostada en el piso con una almohada en la cabeza y escuchando música. Se había quedado dormida en el piso y le molestaba la luz así que se colocó una almohada.
De repente Maritza escuchó su teléfono sonando y estaba dentro de un grupo llamado “The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #204” con el siguiente mensaje
Sé que se estarán preguntando cómo es que están en ese grupo y cómo es posible que cada uno de un momento a otro se quedara sin problemas. Eso sucede porque todos tienen un súper poder único y se unieron para ayudar, y cuando eso pasa la unión de poderes hace que los problemas desaparezcan. Si les ha gustado este viaje, no olviden siempre viajar con el terminal #theinkwell y siempre tendrán una historia diferente.
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Wow! There's quite some spin and twist you put on this story. It stems from a great imagination. I had to re-read the story to understand the plot.
Maritza's encounter with the different passengers of various super powers was somewhat a blessing. Atleast, it kept her aware of every possible danger that may have been surrounding her sister in that desperate moment. In the end, I'm glad everything turned out to just fine.
Hahaha thanks I'm so glad you liked it. That's right, twists and turns as unexpected as the twists and turns of life.
A surreal story with a touch of humor that made me smile. A very entertaining story to read and with an ending that fits the narrative.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent Wednesday.
I'm so glad it made your day. That's right, I added that touch of humor because in a way that's what life is, a journey full of humor and unexpected things. Thanks to you for taking the time to read it to the end. Beautiful day
Wow thank you very much, I'm glad it was like that, I put that name of the WhatsApp group of my story in honor of the contest I wanted to participate in and after publishing it when I was going to comment on the post of the other contestants and put my link, I realized that time had run out. In the same way, I also named the end as the community because in a way it is that, a magical place that allows you to travel to unimaginable places and live unimaginable experiences. Grateful with life for having arrived to this community where every challenge ends up being a fun trip.
hahaha, I really laughed at your story! Congratulations on your creativity, great characters 😀
Thank you very much, I'm glad I made you laugh with my story. Thanks for taking the time to read it to the end and thanks for the support.
Muy buena! Felicitaciones me enganchó desde el principio 😄👍
Gracias jeje me alegro <3 Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerlo hasta el final y por el apoyo <3
Qué interesante, el sobresalto me terminó al concluir la lectura.
Muchísimas gracias por leerme hasta el final, me alegro que te haya gustado jejeje