RE: The Case for Sleeping in (or at least near) the Office


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I enjoy your uploads, they often inspire me to vent my spleen!!!!!

It really is about time that this working from home nonsense was brought to an abrupt halt. The lifeblood of industry the blue collar workers the labourers and producers et al, must be really pissed off slaving away every day while others nonce it up at home in their oneseesies and slippers.

pre scamdemic, when i was a salary slave I had the option to be home based, with various "hot desks" available across Uk and europe. Turned it down. Nope no never, work is work, finger on the pulse, eyes and ears and all that. AND I made sure those in my team kept their sorry arses on the ground. The world of work, has IMHO gone soft. maybe my instilled generational work ethic, hard work never killed anyone, would not survive these days, in the land of the hand wringer and wokerist la la land of the personnel dept.

Port Sunlight on the wirral was another town built to house 'workers" this time the Lever family of soap and detergent fame undertook this philanthropist view.

I am now calm, thankyou


I'm pretty calm too - got the work lap on next to me, cup of tea in bed, pretty typical WFH day here!
