#Beersaturday and Pint of Origin.


It's the happiest time of the year down here in Melbourne, Australia. That's right it's Pint of Origin week. A week where 21 venues all feature tap takeovers from different regions around Australia and around the world. It used to be the best part of Good Beer Week, but Good Beer Week has died but the wonderful James Smith from the website The crafty pint has keep this thing going.

On Friday we managed to pop into three venue - The Catfish which was pouring beers from New Zealand. Bonny with were pouring Perth Beers (A City in Western Australia for those international peoples) and Near and Fear who were pouring beers from South Australia (the state which is weirdly a little be north and west of my home state of Victoria.)

But on Saturday we really branched out, heading all the way to Carwyn Cellars, this is basically a far as I will go to drink, it's 7.8km from my house (the closest Pint of Origin venue is about 300m from my house) and I have to catch a train so it's weird. The beers are also a little more Far Flung being from the good old United States of America, arguably the country that kick started the craft beer revolution and are still at the cutting edge of most of the beer trends.

And what a day this was, thankfully we had the option of 150ml sizes, which meant I could make it a long way through the tap list - which was I think 22 beers long, also it meant I wouldn't be completely broke by the end of it - Europeans and Americans read those prices and you will have a heart attack. For our American friends, a Pot is 9Oz and $25.50 Australian is about $16.50 US. Or for Europeans A Pot is 285ml and $15 Euro. Life is expensive here.


So lets look at some highlight rounds.


I often like to start with Sours to ease me into the world. These are both from one of my favourite Austin Texas breweries - Jester King, Atrail Rubicate, which likely the one at the back, but really who can tell was a standout beautifully tangy and sour, very sophiscated, almost bordering on a wine.

You'll also note the Beer Ballots at the back, Vote for you favourite beer, and every ballot sheet (with 5 beers on it) you submit you get a prize, I left with a sticker and a bottle opener. And a head start on my third ballot if I make it back there this week.


On the right in the glass with KCBC written on it, was my beer of the day, possibly the year and a beer so good I bought a can of it to take home ($27 so you know, poor again) It is the 'Fear the Sunset' Double milk imperial stout by Kings County Brewers in Colloboration with Nightmare Brewing out of New York. It was stunning. 16% it is big and decadent, and complex and sweet and oily and not really that boozy and I spent a lot of time just staring at it, wondering how it was so good.


Time for a IPA round, Hazy IPAs a that, The highlight her the Eviscerated Pathway of Beauty by Tired Hands. It was wonderfully and fresh and fruity and balanced, a real joy to drink.


And the final round, and we needed to go with Three beers so we wouldn't miss anything, and besides stouts so warm up a bit anyway. Two great beers here, the S'more Blanket from Radiant, which was S'more like for those who understand what that tastes like. And the Coffee Peanut Butter Vanilla imperial stout by WeldWerks.

So a fantastic afternoon at Carwyn remembering how good American beer is, in stall from the rest of the week, a trip to Japan, Canada, maybe a bit of Brisbane and Tasmania, Maybe 'Rest of Europe' if I can duck out of work early.

Hail to the World of Beer.


It may be expensive, but all these beers look amazing! And yes, I’ll be broke by the end of the list… 😂


Sounds like a really cool event.

Beer is very expensive in Canada as well but I think that Australia even beats us in that department. Is an "Austrailian" a pint basically?

The KCBC sounds good. I'd go for that ine. I like stouts and imperial stouts. Not ones with extracts though so I probably wouldn't like the last flight that you tried.
