POBphotocontest - 'CLOSEUP'

Greetings and happy Friday!

Every week, @friendlymoose hosts the themed #POBphotocontest - it is open to everyone, and a great way to practice your photography skills and challenge yourself a little bit.

The theme for this week is CLOSEUP. Here is my entry and a few favourites.

There has never been a time in my life when I wasn't fascinated by barbed wire, I cannot explain why but I just find it strangely beautiful.

This photo is actually part of a series that tells a little story, which I will share at a later stage, once I am done slogging through the latest batch of photos that need sorting and tweaking.

Chains are also fascinating and pretty to me, maybe just as much as the barbed wire. The rough stone wall in the background had the perfect texture to show the chains off nicely. I really like it.

Judging by all these images...you wouldn't guess that they were all taken at a wedding venue!

Just a few plants and flowers, to keep this post from looking too dreary.

Well, that's it, hope it was entertaining at least.

Till next time!

Credit - All photos are my own - Camera: Nikon D5000
Banner created using Adobe Express
