Winners Galore! - Silver Bloggers Writing Contest - in collab with @ericvancewalton: Memoir Monday
You did us proud, Silver Bloggers, BUT, you have made it so very difficult to choose a winner!
When we wrote our announcement post and told you how super excited we were about our whopping contest collab with @ericvancewalton, we never would have dreamt just what a tremendous writing contest this would become!
You have set an all-time record with a whopping 31 entries!
Thank you Silver Bloggers, and, a big thank you to @ericvancewalton for the inspiration, and the collaboration, which of course has been a resounding success!
Eric joins us as a guest judge and has this to say:
Throughout my nearly decade of blogging on the blockchain I’ve tried my best to dream up initiatives to engage the Hive community and have some fun in the process. None of these have brought me more joy than Memoir Monday. I’d like to personally thank all of you who participated in Memoir Monday and this very special collaboration with the Silver Bloggers community. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you and your backstories. We need much more of this kind of sharing and synergy in this divisive world of ours. Congratulations to all the contest winners, and thank you to each and every one of you for your incredible contributions. Your words truly make a difference!
Your responses to the question 'What makes you sad?' brought tears to many eyes, but also a few smiles as some tried to turn their sadness around, and look on the bright side.
A common thread that popped up in many posts was how sad the political and social situation in Venezuela makes our Silvers.
Everyone who entered has added one more memory for future generations.
Remember you can always look back at past Memoir Monday posts, and still write on those topics, even though the date of the prompt has expired.
I personally have a bunch of catching up to do!

Before we announce our winners, the usual bit of housekeeping: we now have 2,495 subscribers, and I must say our #silverbloggers do not disappoint when it comes to producing quality posts.
This community would not be what it is without YOU!

Incubation and support
We would be remiss in not thanking the team at @ocd for their awesome support of our community, and we think particularly of @acidyo under whose leadership it operates.
We remain ever grateful to our delegators. Remember, each delegation adds value to the Mother account's vote.
We put our money where our mouth is and our delegators not only receive an autovote but also receive automated delegation rewards.
Silver Blogger of the Week
Each weekend Silver Scot sets a POLL on Threads to choose the Silver Bloggers Author of the Week Please look out for those posts and VOTE.
Writer's Block?
@ericvancewalton's #memoirmonday may be coming to an end, or not?? and we hope to tell you more about that next time. You can still look at old #memoirmondays, and write about topics you missed.
One sure thing is that you will end up with a treasure chest of memories here on Hive!
Remember, we always look forward to reading your posts. And we manually select and recommend good content to be supported by OCD.

Back to the contest:
Our founder @lizelle responded to the prompt - not eligible for a prize SHARING her journey with grief after losing her husband, but also spoke of how close happy and sad feelings are.
Heartbreaking sadness has followed me throughout different seasons of my life, but so has immense happiness. At the end of the day, I chose to remember the happy times, be happy, and not let sadness overwhelm me!
Image taken by @lizelle

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Sadly, not all of you read the rules or simply forgot to drop your contest entries in the announcement post.
We're not sticklers for rules though, so have considered some of those for honourable mentions. But, you could have been in the top three! Always a next time, right?
The Judging Panel
@coquicoin, @lizelle, @mondoshawan, and @tengolotodo, plus our guest judge @ericvancewalton, made our choices. We then used a weighted scoring system to determine positions. Our winner was a unanimous decision!
Honourable Mentions
Prizes - 50 Hive in total sponsored by @lizelle
The following four followed the rules and each win 8 Hive:
@irvinc spoke of his sadness about the ELDERLY
@isabelpena shared how it makes her SAD to see abuse of animals, even pets, giving good advice:
Don't have a pet if you're not going to commit to it.
@yolimarag shared HER SADNESS of losing close family, the sad state of her home country Venezuela, as well as many other sadnesses, but ends on a positive note that the are many more good things in life.
@ungranulises spoke of his immensely personal SAD stuff, and how he managed to overcome it.
The following two honourable mentions did not qualify for the big prize, but each win 4 Hive:
@nancybriti SPOKE of many things that make her sad, but also said it's wise not to let it overcome us.
Nancy is said to be the life of the party;)
@myjob shared her awful sad STORY which made a turn for the better, but then ended badly for her family, the river, and its creatures. You for sure will shed some tears!
Our Winners share a pot of 50 HBD sponsored by @ericvancewalton
We had a tie for third place:

A tie between @carolinacardoza and @asiamalay - 5 HBD each
@carolinacardoza said I don't want the earth to ever die, and spoke of her sadness that people are destroying the planet.
@asiamalay shared her heartbreaking story of the sadness after unexpectedly losing her grandmother.
Our first runner-up wins 10 HBD:
@owasco wrote a heartfelt post of My Mother and My Sadnesses which made us laugh and cry when she had to say goodbye to her daughter who had to leave to get on with her life.
Many of us can associate with that feeling, right!
OUR WINNER wins a whopping 30 HBD!
We were unanimous in our decision, so it is a big congratulations to @edith-4angelseu who shared a beautiful poem of her sadness at the gross abuse of girls and children in general.
Edith also shared how she longs to once again be...
Grandma's girl, protected, tenderly nurtured and loved...
Don't we all long for that nurturing we once had?
Finally, a big thank you to everyone, and to Eric, for making this such a very special and fabulous contest!

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Artwork by @artywink
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A handy table below if you wish to delegate to Silver Bloggers community
And, thank you in advance
in the Silver Bloggers server
wow I feel very grateful for having included me in your mention list, thank you very much. I love writing and @ericvancewalton helps us a lot with these prompts he brings us weekly, thanks for that friend. Very grateful again, thank you. Congratulations to all the others winners.
Thank you for entering @isabelpena, and congratulations. It wasn't an easy decision!
We always enjoy reading your posts @isabelpena, well deserved! Eric's weekly prompts have been fabulous.
Proof of prize transfers. Congratulations everyone!

Hehehe, thank you @hive-106316 team. 😁♥️
Congratulations @asiaymalay, you did well!
Well done @asiaymalay, thank you for sharing what makes you sad.
It's always a pleasure to write in this community hehehe😁😁.
Congratulations to all our winning friends. I am very pleased with this recognition. For me it is a great pleasure to write in this nice community. Happy day dear friends.
Well done @irvinc, and we are very happy with your regular publications in our community!
We are so glad that you are part of our community @irvinc, well-deserved mention!
Have a wonderful Thursday.
Congratulations to all the winners
Thanks for the mention, I liked this challenge, it was not so easy to channel the words, I thought a lot, but I liked it.
Congratulations to the winners!
God bless you!
Well done @ungranulises, thank you for sharing those sad memories with us. Writing can be great therapy! Looking forward to seeing more of you in our community.
Thank you for your touching response @ungranulises, it could not have been easy, but it all is part of healing - a well-deserved mention!
Thank you very much, friends!!! Happy to have participated in this great contest. I have read all the texts and I know that there were very good entries, so it was surely difficult to make the selection. For my part, congratulations to all the winners and immensely grateful to the jury:
@coquicoin , @lizelle , @mondoshawan and @tengolotodo , plus guest judge @ericvancewalton. May the successes continue!!! standing ovations!
Thank you for your valued participation @nancybriti1 we loved your entry!
Congratulations Nancy, time to party! We are very happy to have you here with us!
Thank you so very much! Ten HBD is the largest prize I have ever gotten on Hive!! Dang, I am honored. Thanks to everyone, and congrats to the other big winners!
Well deserved @owasco 👏
Congrats @owasco, you made me smile, and then cry with your very touching blog.
Well deserved xx
Wow! This is unbelievable! I don't even know what to say, honestly I'm overwhelmed.
I want to sincerely appreciate @SilverBloggers and @ericvancewalton for this wonderful initiative through which writers are able to hone their craft and showcase their creativity, it's been an awesome journey!
And I am humbly grateful for winning, thank you so much!
I also give kudos to @lizelle, @tengolotodo, @coquicoin and @mondoshawan for their time, effort, and generosity towards the success of this competition.
I also appreciate all the participants, I'm sure everyone put in their best.
Thank you once again🙏
Thank you Edith, a well deserved win, you wrote a beautiful touching post! Well deserved👌
I am so grateful, thank you so much!
Well done and a big congratulations @edith-4angelseu. You did us proud with a wonderful response!
Thank you so much @lizelle🙏
Waoo I am very happy to appear among those mentioned is an honor for me. Congrats to everyone who won in this beautiful contest, all the posts are very heartfelt. Congratulations 🎉
Well deserved @yolimarag, it wasn't easy choosing a winner, your post was beautiful!
Well done @yolimarag, you all made it very difficult to choose winners. It was refreshing to hear you say:
Cogratulations to the winners and all who took part.
It has inspired me to start writing and posting again.
Well done to you all.
Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores, a @ericvancewalton por esta gran propuesta para recoger nuestras memorias y a la comunidad por abrir espacios de expresión. 😊
Congratulations everyone and thank you for all of your contributions!
Congratulations to all the winners—they are very well deserved. The contest was fantastic, with lots of valuable entries. I also want to congratulate the contest's judges and sponsors. Thank you very much.
Have a nice weekend.