A Crime Though Not Intentional


On a daily basis crimes go on increase in our country today because of one reason or the other. Most crimes that grow so fast are the ones that we have the top officials behind them. Most of our officials are so corrupt to the point that they pull themselves up the ladder and because they can't drive those crimes themselves they employ youths who they use in perpetrating these evils. This is one singular reason why the more you try to get ride of a crime the more it gains ground.

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Imagine the case of corruption in my country today, a times I get to imagine how will one man loot as high as billions of naira and even dollars and before you know it he is free from the hands of the law but a man that stole spaghetti will be burnt with Tyre. Look at the case of the young lady who is the minister of Humanitarian Affairs, the money she was given to settle the Npower beneficiaries she ended up using it to buy cars and houses for herself. Imagine the guts? Finally she will get out of these whole mess maybe because of her fathers connections or something. Some people sha are so heartless and the poor masses are suffering, this is why many will do everything including killing another person in other to get to the corridors of power.

There are wide range of crimes in our world today and to the best of my knowledge my country is not the only corrupt nation, I tend to know much about us because it is where I reside since from birth. Some countries package their crime to the point that you will not even know they are that corrupt. Some of the crimes includes but not limited to robbery, murder, rape and more

For the purpose of this contest I will be talking about crimes relating to rape. Rape is the process whereby either a male or female force himself or herself on the other. In most cases we get to hear about girls being raped by the boys but we hardly hear that girls rape the boys. The truth is, in our world today we have more males being raped than the girls, somebody may be laughing now. The thing is that most of them don't speak up because it will be so difficult to believe that they where raped.

Now, the instance of a girl being a victim of a rape incidence and on the process of defending herself the boy in question dies, this is an offense but in my own case I feel she should be pardoned by the law. When someone who is defending herself ends up killing the other, she should not be meant to face the music of the law, at first it was not an intentional act. Also to consider, rape case is a serious by the law and anyone that is caught in the act will also be meant to face the wrought of the law. It could also be that hard it been she didn't defend herself to that point, the rapist may also end up taking her life.

In all, proper investigation needs to be carried out to make sure there is nothing fishing, and the diseased might have been involved in this kind of event and is known by many in the society, just as in the case of a young man who was caught raping a little baby. This kind of person should be meant to wrought in jail.

No form of crime should be so justified but when it is the case of self defense, the culprit may be considered after proper investigation have been carried out.

My entry to the last edition of this week's contest. Thank You for visiting my blog.


Yes dear. You are right. If she never defended herself, she might even be dead. So, in this case we can't condemn her totally.
Thanks for sharing


That's the point, the guy should go explain tire. Thanks for reading


No form of crime should be justifiable however when it comes to critical issues as you said self defence is just the way out.

Thanks for sharing


Yes, because in that case no one is there to help her
