Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 188 // Losses that are not recovered

Greetings dear friends, I hope you had a happy weekend. Our friend @galenkp brings us many interesting topics this week, Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 188. I chose the following alternative:

Have you ever gained or lost something or someone because of a habit (good or bad) of yours? No fictional writing, this must be a true story. Remember to use your own photos.


"Losing" is a word that can mean many things, not always bad, it is said that sometimes we lose to gain something, that's where the learning comes from. It has also happened to us that we think we lose someone, but then life surprises us in the best way, so we do not really lose. However, it can happen that we do lose, literally, and not only that, not always what is lost can be recovered.

Always, since I was a child I kept focused on my studies, it was my only job or purpose in my life, besides playing, my studies were the most serious thing I had and the most important. That was always the case and when I got to college this did not change, studying and graduating from college was my new goal. However, like any young man of my age I made many friends and there began my foray into the nightclubs, who does not like to go dancing? You had to study, but you also had to have a social life, have some fun, go to the trendiest places, which by the way were becoming more and more popular. Since I was studying far from home, in another city, the weekends were for studying, sometimes washing, doing the market, and there was also time to go to the beach, among other things. It all started like this, one Saturday night we went dancing, that happened every other weekend, but the bad thing was that these outings became more and more frequent, every weekend we went dancing, and it was not just one day, it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


It was a very bad habit for me to party every weekend. Although I didn't drink alcohol, I did enjoy dancing and being with my friends. I went to bed very late, I lost many hours of sleep that began to interfere with my daily activities, among them, my studies. I was getting up late, I felt tired all the time and the consequences were not long in coming. When the semester ended, I had failed 4 of the 6 subjects I had enrolled, I practically lost the semester, I felt very sad, but above all, very disappointed in myself, I had never behaved in such an irresponsible way. I told my parents, they did not scold me, but I could see in their faces the same disappointment that was in mine.

This could not happen to me again, so I decided to stop this bad habit and go back to being who I was, a responsible person, a good student and finish my career. When the following semester began, I had a relapse, I went dancing on a Sunday, I arrived at 6:00 am and went to bed to sleep, that day I missed an exam that was scheduled at 7:00 am. After that irresponsible behavior I said to myself "no more", I did not go to parties anymore, only day trips, walks, beach, shopping mall, but no more parties. I started to do well in my exams and I advanced in my career, I was happy, those who did not have the sense to "stop" those nights of parties did not finish their studies. Everything was going well, but when I reached the last semester, all my friends finished their courses and left for internships, except me, I had two courses left that I had to take in a full semester, you can imagine how I felt. I was overwhelmed and regretful, I never foresaw it like that.


Those 4 subjects that I had failed because of the party nights dragged with them the loss of time that I could never recover no matter how hard I tried, as well as my sleepless nights and the dream of graduating with the rest of my classmates. In life there are things that can not be recovered, the dream and the time, if we lose it, lost will remain lost, that was my great learning. In the end I graduated, but I will never forget this experience.

Thanks for Reading

All photos are original, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 cell pone


Hi friend

Eso sí es verdad el sueño y el tiempo no se recuperan, lamento que hayas perdido esas materias menos mal que luego reaccionaste y lograste aprobarlas. Siempre hay q asumir nuestras responsabilidades par ala satisfacciones.



Hola, son experiencias que nos quedan para aprender y seguir nuestro viaje. Saludos, gracias por la visita.
