Shadow Hunters SMASh-Round 357
You want to join this contest of show me Shadow by @melinda010100 through this link.
Some pets we keep at home can try to behave like humans, this pet is fun to be with. It tells us someone is at the gate with a bark when it hears a knock. It scares people away with it's behavior.
It jumps up and tail wagg around the people at home that it's familiar with and this could mean excitement or happiness for the dog. When i was trying to get the shadow of this dog it was tail wagging which made it run around the the compound.
your dog is really well behave @iamchimary. it doesn't move to fast so you can catch its shadow, awesome shadow though. Have a blessed day!
It was a marathon before I could capture it.
oohhh... hahahahha, that's what we call Hunting! it was like me hunting the shadow of my cat Lemon, he keep on photobombing me until I said I need a model to get a shadow, so sit still or I'm not gonna give you the fresh fish head.
pets are amazing!