In the ocean I see myself being happy :| Ladies of Hive 196 [ENG-ESP]


The sea and I have a pending encounter....

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Once again, our friends #ladies, brings us another topic, or rather, a new question to give our opinion and say what we think, and for those who know me, you already know what I will answer to this question:

1️⃣ Which environment do you prefer, mountains or oceans, and why?

Obviously the ocean, the sea, has always fascinated me, its immensity, its peace, its calm, it is like being transported to another world, it is a special place, unique, which allows you to get away a little from reality, and simply admire the landscape, and let yourself be carried away by that beautiful blue sky.

I remember the last time I went, a few months ago, my family and I, we took an express trip, at the last minute, I confess, at that time, I had a little over two years without going, and I was not feeling well, for a moment, I thought I would not be able to, but then I said to myself, no matter how I feel, I still go, even if I can not get into the water, I will enjoy the landscape, the environment, and that rich sand.

Thank God, I felt great, I could take my good swim, the waves were a little strong, however, it was tasty, that swell, and that spicy sun, what can I say, without a doubt, the best experience, adventure, I could have, I'm #teamplaya, I accept all kinds of invitations that are in the sea.😄

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For me this is the best place, to forget about the world, about everything that is happening, especially now, with what we are living in my country, where we are all so stressed, anxious, with this waiting, uncertainty, not knowing what will happen, and how everything will end, what better way to drain all these emotions, than sitting in front of the sea, with your feet in the sand, with the sound of the waves and that warm breeze, that transforms you, and makes you travel to another universe.

I hope soon to be able to go back to visit my favorite place in the world, the beach, and thank the universe for allowing me to enjoy again such a beautiful and magical place.

My friends #Hivers, we are still here, standing, trusting, believing that there is change to come, we just have to have faith, and know how to wait...🙏

Thanks to our friend @Saffisara for bringing us these interesting topics...

And not to leave out the answer to the second question, if I remember correctly, my toy was the Barbies, although I played with them very little...


El mar y yo tenemos un encuentro pendiente...

Una vez más, nuestras amigas #ladies, nos trae otro tema, o mejor dicho, una nueva pregunta para opinar y decir lo que pensamos, y para los que me conocen, ya saben lo que responderé a esta pregunta:

1️⃣ ¿Qué entorno prefieres, montañas u océanos? ¿Y por qué?

Obvio el océano, el mar, siempre me ha fascinado, su inmensidad, su paz, su calma, es como transportarse a otro mundo, es un lugar especial, único, el cual te permite alejarte un poco de la realidad, y simplemente admirar el paisaje, y dejarte llevar por ese hermoso color azul cielo.

Recuerdo la última vez que fui, hace unos cuantos meses, mi familia y yo, sacamos un viaje tipo express, a último momento, confieso, para ese entonces, tenía un poco más de dos años sin ir, y no me sentía bien, por un instante, pensé que no iba a poder, pero luego me dije, no importa como me sienta, yo igual voy, asi no me pueda meter en el agua, aunque sea disfrutaré del paisaje, del ambiente, y de esa rica arena.

Gracias a Dios, me sentí muy bien, pude darme mi buen baño, las olas estaban algo fuertes, sin embargo, estaba sabroso, ese oleaje, y ese sol picoso, que les puedo decir, sin duda, la mejor experiencia, aventura, que pude tener, soy #teamplaya, acepto todo tipo de invitaciones que sea en el mar.😄

Para mi este es el mejor lugar, para uno olvidarse del mundo, de todo lo que esté ocurriendo, sobre todo ahora, con lo que estamos viviendo en mi país, donde estamos todos tan estresados, ansiosos, con esta espera, incertidumbre, sin saber que va a pasar, y como va a terminar todo, que mejor manera de drenar todas estas emociones, que sentados frente al mar, con los pies en la arena, con el sonido de las olas y esa cálida brisa, que te transforma, y te hace viajar a otro universo.

Espero pronto poder volver ir a visitar mi lugar favorito en el mundo, la playa, y agradecerle al universo por permitirme volver a disfrutar de tan hermoso y mágico lugar.

Mis amigos #Hivers, seguimos aquí, de pie, confiando, creyendo que hay cambio por venir, solo hay que tener fe, y saber esperar...🙏

Gracias a la amiga @Saffisara por traernos estos interesantes tema...

Y para no dejar por fuera la respuesta de la segunda interrogante, si mal no recuerdo mi juguete eran las Barbies, aunque muy poco jugaba con ellas...




Imágenes / Pictures:👉Gallery photos
Translation/Traducción:👉 DeepL Traductor
Edition/Edición :Cover and banner with Canva /Portada y banner con Canva


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The beach sure is a beautiful place to go to, and the view 😍 gets me every time. I agree with you on all you say, the ocean brings you many feelings and it makes wonders for the Soul. And taking a swim is the best and feeling the sand under your toes 🦶 😁 lol

Mother nature is amazing isn't she?

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week. 🌷


I dream of living near the sea or at least spend my days in a place close to it, and yes definitely nature is beautiful, greetings, a hug. 🤗


I used to work in the local fishing Industry and always thought of the sea as adventure and mystery. I've traveled by ship in and out of mountain lined inlets and through numerous passages. So I dream of sailing all over the world, and not just the beach.
Thanks for sharing @ikigaidesign


I have never been on a boat, the closest I have ever been was a small boat many years ago, it must be wonderful to travel all over the sea, what a success for you, greetings. 😍


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