
Hello everyone,
...long time no see!

I have been away for a year now from posting to Hive due to almost none personal free time the past months. It actually feels really good now writing about something here and sharing my thoughts after this long time. Something that motivated me to manage to find some time and be more active again, was my participation at the HiveFest the past week.

I am on Hive from 2018 but I never had the chance to attend a HiveFest again and I had never thought about it as well. So, some weeks ago my man @knowhow92 told me about the fest that would take place at Split, Croatia and that he was going to do a presentation about @skatehive community. It was a great opportunity to take some time off, travel to another country that is pretty near to Greece. At first I was thinking about spending my days at Split propably at beach just resting and literally do nothing cause I really needed that kind of vacation, but thankfully the last minute I changed my mind and deciced to enter the HiveFest and took a last minute ticket! Trust me. I didn't regret it at all. I met many kind and friendly people from Hive in person, and also had the opportunity to learn about many Hive pojects and gain more knowledge. Every single day was worthy.


_____________________________________Day 1____________________________________

As I said before, I took a last minute ticket and arrived the second day of the fest which took place at Meštrović Gallery. The gallery exhibits the work of the famous sulptor Ivan Meštrović and it was something definitelly worth seeing!


The conference was really interesting, every individual had something good to present and share with us. The place was so peacefull, I loved the fact that we were at this beautiful garden of the gallery, full of nature. I guess the only negative was the high temperature of the day that sometimes was hard to handle but it doesn't matter that much cause everone managed to find a shady spot near the trees to sit.


Here is my man @knowhow92 presenting @skatehive at the fest. It was a great presentation!


At the end of the conference we all get picked by a bus and went for an arranged dinner at a seaside reastraunt. The food was very tasty, everyone was drinking and chatting after a long day and the artists gave an amazing performance at the stage for all us.


_____________________________________DAY 3________________________________________

The next day, the conference took place at one of the cellars, inside of the Diocletian's Palace. The whole scenery was amazing, the stony ceiling and those huge columns around us, the fancy lightings and the temperature inside was perfect as well. There was many interesting presentations for great projects of Hive. We had the opportunity to watch an incredible documentary called Water Direct which is powered by Hive. It is truly an amazing work, you should all watch this as soon as it gets online.


The conference day finished around 5:00pm, so we all had some free time to explore the city of Split a little more. We had a walk with my man at the old town's alleys and it was actually so beautiful. I loved the fact that all the buildings have pretty much the same or very similar color and shares the same vibe.


If you look closely at the buildings of old town, you can see that many of the are sculptured in differents forms. So much detail on them.



After a couple of hours walking around of the old city, we stopped at a cute mexican restaurant and had some delicious dinner there. Perfect tastes for closing a long day.


_____________________________________DAY 4_______________________________________

On Friday we were supposed to go on a cruise due to HiveFest program but unfortunately the weather wasn't that good and the the captain canceled it. So we had free morning time to explore the city as we like and meet up all together later in the afternoon at a billiard club. We did some research where to spend our morning and decided to go for a walk at the Marjan Park.


Marjan Park is a hill pretty close to the city center of Split, and it is a green forest oasis with fresh air. There are a few different trails that leads you either at a high spot with panoramic view either at some beaches with beautiful seas.


It is really cool that at almost every km on the trail you could find some water fountains with cold fresh water that you can fill.


We kept walking around the forest until we reached the Telegrin Peak which is supposed to be the highest point in Marjan Park. It took us a couple of km and 314 steps but the view totaly rewarded us.


Amazing panoramic view of Split city.


We took our way back and stopped for a quick espresso at a cafe with great view, before going for the meet up at the billiard club.


We spent a couple of hours at the billiard's, had some drinks and said goodbye to Hive people cause we were supposed to leave early the next day and start traveling back. Unfortunately we had to skip the last day of HiveFest with the Hive Rally Car, the closing with drinks at the bar and the cruise as well that done at Sunday.


We walked through the old city once again as we returning home.


Stopped for a quick coctail...


...and said goodbye to the beautiful city of Split at the HiveFest!

HiveFest was an amazing experience to live and consists of great people.It was my first time at a HiveFest and I was kinda hesitant about how it would be but all those friendly people there made me feel more than comfortable. All the presentations of HiveFest were very interesting and enlightening and the program was well organised. I am glad that I had the opportunity to be part of this and that I actually did it.

Also it feels so good being here again and writing about this experience. HiveFest, and also the feeling of this big community between people that called Hive, really motivated me to try find some free time and be more active here again.

That's pretty much my perspective and my story about this awesome experience. I hope I will be able to take part at a next HiveFest again..until then see you here!


What a lovely recap, and I love how you captured the beautiful details on the buildings. It's a pity that often we get caught up in real life, but of course that has to take priority over other things. Hopefully you will have more time in future to be active on Hive, even if it's occasionally.

See you around
