Indonesian Flower Diversity


Hy beloved hive friends, how are you all, I hope you are always in good condition
At this meeting I want to share pictures of beautiful and beautiful flowers from Indonesia. These flowers have a variety of beautiful colors


The picture above is a blushing red rose. I found this flower next to my neighbor's house because the flower is very beautiful because it has a beautiful color that is different from the habits of other flowers, The flower only grows and lives fresh when placed in cold weather. The picture above depicts the flower wilting a bit due to the recent very hot weather, so if you want to look after the flower even more beautifully then take care of the flower. Keep them cool so that the flowers look beautiful and healthy


The picture above shows a light pink rose, this flower has white petals, but this flower also has to live in cold weather so that the flower doesn't wilt. To care for it, we only need to water it twice a day. Because to maintain the health of the flowers so they don't wilt easily, those who care for them don't forget to treat them with clear water, The quality of these flowers will also improve when we water them frequently, but with the condition that we have to water them according to certain rules, it is common for selling flowers in Indonesia to provide the rules for buyers so that those who buy the flowers know the rules for caring for the flowers.


The picture above shows pink rosebud flowers. These flowers have a beautiful color, namely pink. These flowers can be cared for both in hot weather and in cold weather, but to water these rosebud flowers, they must be watered 3 times a day, so for those of you who want to Caring for these flowers, don't forget to care for them according to the procedures that have been determined, Personally, in my opinion, the flower with the most beautiful color is the bud flower because the color is more flexible and also this flower is easier to care for as long as we follow the care procedures correctly and well, for the branches they have smaller and more flexible branches. Certainly women are more interested in caring for these flowers


And for the last picture, this flower is called the white embarrassed princess, the flower has a shape like the sun, this flower also has to be watered 1 day 3 times, for weather placement, they can still be cared for in any weather as long as you don't forget to water it, Usually, if we want to look for these flowers, we have to look for them in barren mountains because I have seen many of these flowers growing in barren mountains, but unfortunately these flowers cannot be taken home by mountain rangers because they are used to preserve the state of nature. It's so beautiful that it's forbidden to take these flowers home, so for those of you who want these flowers, you can look for them in flower shops in mountainous areas because that place has legalized buying and selling flowers.

Maybe that's it for now, my discussion about flowers, next time I will look for more beautiful flowers, see you in my next post, friends, hive bye...bye....♥️🤗


the flowers are very beautiful, I was very entertained to see them
