Ladies of Hive Community Contest #218 / Goodbye 2024, Welcome 2025. / Adios 2024, Bienvenido 2025.

Hello dear @ladiesofhive community. In this Edition # 218 our friend @cautiva-30 asks us two interesting questions ending this year 2024 and facing the new year with two days to go.


Every December we promise to do things that are surely on our wish list to improve our lives, the truth is that many things arrive without asking permission and without warning and leave us with a mark that is impossible to erase and that make us change our course and our life.

2024 leaves me with a mix of feelings due to situations that came without imagining it and which left me very strengthened in my faith in God and helped me have more confidence in myself.


In the month of April I finished my chemotherapy treatment and with only 3 treatments of blockers I had to suspend it because the medication no longer arrived in Venezuela and I lost the sequence and the doctor ordered me to abandon it because it would no longer have an effect. I attribute it to a miracle from God since I was able to take the 8 chemotherapies and not the blockers. Thank God I did very well in the exams I took in November and now I am undergoing medical checkups every 6 months.


Do you still dream of something you haven't achieved? Definitely yes. Before this whole process I wanted to work, either online or in person, but due to the treatments I had to suspend all my dreams. Now I have to think better about it since I can't work on anything, I used to be a manicurist and I can't smell all those chemicals anymore. I have to be more selective in what I am going to do, plus I have had a breast operation and I can't lift weight.


If you think this year is the time to embrace those small changes that can make a big difference in your life, are you ready for a change? Definitely yes, and it's not that my change will come and I give it permission to enter my life. The change has already come to my life: my diet is different, my physique is different and my being is different now. They arrived without warning and without protest to stay in my life forever, I am grateful to God that I also received the maturity to face them and know how to adapt them to my daily life.


Is there something you know you should change? Well, this process taught me to face difficulties with a good attitude, with fear you get nowhere. When they told me we should remove one of your breasts, I told my God: May your will be done and not mine. From there I saw things from another point of view. Life doesn't end because you don't have a breast, people have learned to look with admiration at a woman without hair because they know that she didn't choose what she is experiencing. Life doesn't stop and we can't hide in a cave until the difficulty passes. It's better if you ride the wave instead of letting it drown you.


Traduccion al Español:

Hola querida comunidad de @ladiesofhive. En esta Edicion # 218 nuestra amiga @cautiva-30 nos hace dos preguntas interesante terminando este año 2024 y de cara al nuevo año a dos dias para terminar.

Cada Diciembre nos prometemos hacer cosas que seguramente entran en nuestra lista de deseos para mejorar nuestra vida, lo cierto es que muchas cosas llegan sin pedir permiso y sin avisar y nos dejan una marca imposible de borrar y que hacen cambiar nuestro rumbo y nuestra vida.

2024 me deja con una mezcla de sentimientos debido a situaciones que llegaron sin imaginarmelo y el cual me dejo muy fortalecida en mi fe en Dios y que me ayudo a tener mas confianza en mi misma.

En el mes de Abril termine con mi tratamiento de quimioterapias y con solo 3 tratamientos de bloqueadores tuve que suspenderlo debido a que el medicamento no llego mas a Venezuela y perdi la secuencia y el doctor me ordeno abandonarlo porque ya no tendria efecto. Yo lo atribuyo a un milagro de Dios ya que si pude colocarme las 8 quimioterapias y los bloqueadores no. Gracias a Dios yo sali muy bien en los examenes que me hice en el mes de Noviembre y ahora estoy bajo chequeos medicos cada 6 meses.

Aun sueñas con algo que no haz conseguido? Definitivamente si. Antes de todo este proceso queria trabajar, bien sea por internet o presencial, pero debido a los tratamientos tuve que suspender todos mis sueños. Ahora tengo que pensarlo mejor ya que no puedo trabajar en cualquier cosa, antes fui manicurista y ya no puedo oler todos esos quimicos. Tengo que ser mas sectiva en lo que vaya a hacer, ademas soy operada de un seno y no puedo levantar peso.

Si crees que este año es el momento de abrazar esos pequeños cambios que pueden marcar un gran cambio en tu vida, estas lista para un cambio? Definitivamente si, y no es que mi cambio vendra y yo le doy permiso de entrar en mi vida. El cambio ya llego a mi vida: mi alimentacion es distinta, mi fisico es distinto y mi ser es distinto ahora. LLego sin aviso y sin protesto para quedarse en mi vida para siempre, agradecida estoy con Dios que tambien me llego la madurez de enfrentarlos y saberlos adaptar a mi dia a dia.

Hay algo que sabes que deberias cambiar ? Bueno, este proceso me enseño a enfrentar las dificultades con buena actitud, con miedos no se llega a ninguna parte. Cuando me dijeron debemos quitarte un seno yo le dije a mi Dios: Que se haga tu voluntad y no la mia. Desde alli vi las cosas desde otro punto de vista. La vida no se acaba porque no tengas un seno, la gente ha aprendido a mirar con admiracion a una mujer sin cabello porque sabe que lo que esta viviendo ella no lo escogio. La vida no se detiene y no podemos escondernos en una cueva hasta que pase la dificultad. Es mejor si navegas con la ola en ves de dejar que te ahogue.



It is really touching that this health situation has left you strengthened in your faith in God and as you say, to have more confidence and the maturity to face the changes, to know how to adapt them to your daily life, you are a very brave woman, thank you very much for sharing your testimony, which reflects that admirable attitude and faith, I wish you all the best and have a Happy New Year, receive my embrace.


Everything is in the friendly attitude and knowing God helped me a lot and that is why I give thanks every day because He crossed this desert with me. Thank you for your words and your good wishes. May you have a beautiful end of the year and may the new year bring you many good things. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Todo esta en la actitud amiga y conocer a Dios me ayudo demasiado y por eso doy gracias todos los dias porque El atravesó conmigo este desierto. Gracias por tus palabras y tus buenos deseos. Que tengas un hermoso fin de año y que el nuevo te traiga muchas cosas buenas.FELIZ AÑO NUEVO.


You're strength and courage to fafe all those things were amazing! You are such a beautiful soul. ♡


Congratulations on finishing your treatment, and on another extension to your wonderful story!


Your post skipped my attention so I can't vote. Thank you for sharing your story and you are such a strong woman to have gone through this. I pray your health will continue to improve in the future. Take care 🙏
