Memories of my dear Mono.
This is an entry to the contest held by the @freewriters community called: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words.
This photograph brought back beautiful memories of my little dog in Colombia that they didn't give me, I didn't ask for it, he just came to me looking for love and food and stayed with me. During the year he lived with me we gave each other a lot of love and longing.
Mono, that's what I called you, because in Colombia they call blondes monkey. I don't know where you came from, but I received you with great joy and gave you all my love. I love pets, but I had never had one like you, I defended you from everyone and everyone who wanted to harm you and you faithfully took care of me. Every day we went for a walk around the two hectares of the farm and you were always there with me. Your two colors were perfect, how good they looked on you, your eyes the color of your back.
There was no need for snow since we lay down on the sand to look at each other like two beings who feel love, I caressed you and you took my hand with your mouth. It was not necessary for you to speak, I understood you well and you were always attentive to my call. When I looked at you up there on the hill you looked at me, that was connection, I just had to move my head and you came running to where I was. I thank God for having placed such a wonderful being in my path, one who alleviated all my problems and gave me more love than anyone else in just one year that I had you. Thank you for being part of my life.
Describe what you see: a cute dog, playing in the snow and looking at his owner for the photo. The dog has two colors: white and brown. He has a necklace on and looks happy. There is snow on his face and around him.
Describe what you feel: I feel very happy because I love animals, I feel sad because I remember my dog Mono. You feel that he is a happy pet, you can see it in his eyes and he is playing with what I most want to know: the snow.
In ‘Semántica hispanoamericana’ by Charles Emily Kany (1962) it is suggested that the meaning ‘rubio’ of the word ‘monkey’ in Colombia is due to the ‘colour of certain monkeys in the country’. The common squirrel monkey, for example, has yellow fur on its limbs and back. And I see in the Diccionario de americanismos de la RAE that in Bolivia the marmoset monkey is called a yellow monkey.
Many terms are not known until you visit another country and learn about its customs and way of speaking. Here we call them ¨catire¨, only when we got there we learned about the word ¨monkey¨. It is a very significant cultural exchange. Thanks for your comment.
What a beautiful story, I was very touched. Congratulations and success
Thank you very much.
What a beautiful story
Thank you for your kind comment.