This Week's PE Culmination Event


Good day, hivers! @itsmemic once again.

It was this week when the PE culmination event took place, from PE1 to PE3. I can still remember those days when we used to perform at this event. It was very stressful, especially when it took weeks to memorize and practice the dance moves just to make it look perfect. During practices, it was unavoidable that there would be conflicts, especially when the formations didn’t align, or some group members were slow to grasp the steps, causing others to get frustrated. These things are inevitable, but for the sake of grades and passing the subject, we gave our best to complete and perform successfully.

The Performers and the Venue


Going back to the event, the performers were mostly first-year and second-year students. When I arrived after my duties, the quadrangle was already crowded. Yes, the event was held at the CRMC Quadrangle. The students were gathered under a large tent with “Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges” written on it. Some participants were wearing green pants and white shirts with text on the back, indicating that they were part of the physical education program.

This was the standard uniform for any physical education activity or performance. The event was held in an open area within the school campus, with a visible building in the background.

My Younger Sibling’s Group


One of the groups was my younger sibling's group, and they are first-years, so this was their PE1 performance. They were gathered in the school's courtyard, wearing white shirts with “Physical Education” written on the back and green pants with “CRMC” printed on the side, signifying they were from Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges.

Some students were holding white pom-poms, suggesting they were preparing for a performance or activity related to physical education or a school event. These pom-poms were their props.

Second-Year Performers


Another group, composed of second-years, wore their designated costumes. In the background, students or performers in black and white outfits

The Campus and the View from Above



The campus itself is a multi-story building with green walls and balconies. Watching performances from the upper floors is enjoyable because the view is clear, unlike on the ground where group members might block each other or someone might stand in front of you, making it harder to see clearly.

From the upper floors, some students were leaning on the railings, observing the performances below. Those watching from above were wearing school uniforms, unlike the performers in PE attire. This was because they were not part of the performance, either because they had no similar subject or had already completed it.

The scene highlights a school setting, with air conditioning units visible on the lower floors, capturing a moment of curiosity among students on the balconies.

The PE3 Performers





The next performers were from PE3, and they were also second-years. These students wore outfits representing a traditional or cultural theme. Their coordinated costumes had checkered patterns, symbolizing elements of nature, agriculture, or local traditions commonly associated with Filipino folk dances or festivals. These outfits helped convey the theme of their performance and created visual harmony.

And that’s all for this blog, my dear Hivers! Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to upvote, leave some comments, and reblog this blog of mine. I would greatly appreciate it!


Your sibling’s group must’ve been so nervous but also super proud after.


Physical education is one of my favorite subject. It not just makes us physically fit but also engage us with our classmates especially in group performances.


The white pom-poms made the performance more lively, and it's clear they put a lot of effort into it. It's great to see students coming together, showing their skills and making the most of these opportunities. These experiences create lasting memories for everyone involved.


Nice to see that schools still impart cultural dances. Truly inspiring to see cultural dances, it is a powerful tribute our country's traditions.
