Persuasion Skill Is Very Important ||QC Community Contest #127

Hello friends, How are you doing? I believe you're energetic and sound. Welcome to a new month, new week and new day. And welcome to my blog. Be blessed.🙏

On seeing this question on # persuasion, at first I wanted to ignore it but on a second thought I decided to give it a try to learn also.

How important do you think persuasion is?

Persuasion is very important considering the aim for which it is used. One being persuasive has an end goal in mind which one has to achieve. To teach kids morals you have to apply persuasion skill. For instance, when I wanted to teach my two year old how to say “Good morning” when she wakes up in the morning I used persuasive skill. There was a day she woke up one morning without greeting. I called her back to say “Good morning”, she refused and wanted to step out of the room. I held her back and insisted she greets, she still refused I made it clear to her that she'll only be allowed to leave that point if she greets. We were on that for more than ten minutes to the extent that she started crying but I was bent on her doing the right thing, at the end she eventually said it. After that day till now nobody reminds her to greet whenever she wakes up or returns from school. By the way she's 3+ now. In the end, I taught her how to greet and she learned. So, persuasion is as important as air.

*How Effective Do You Think You Are At Persuading Someone?”

Persuasion can be very effective when the aim is to teach or argue for connection purposes. The ability for one to induce one to do or agree to what one says or wants seamlessly not necessarily convincing that person but teach and the person learns from the discussion beyond every reasonable doubts is what one can refer to as being an effective persuasive person. I think I'm not that effective. I'll say I'm effective to an extent that is, on the average though not to the level I want to be because there's always room for growth and improvement.

Has Your Persuasion Skill Ever Helped You?

A friend of mine who is also a professional colleague markets a particular company's products and was prospecting me to join her. She sent me some information about the company, their products and pay plan. After going through those information I compared it with that of the company I represent and find that mine was way more lucrative than hers. I pointed the difference out to her explaining why should be the one to join me in mine. At first she was resistant to see my point of view so I let her be. After one month of our discussion and argument she called one early morning to inform me that she's in. I was so happy that she finally saw and understood my points. Therefore, I can confidently say, yes, my persuasion skills has really helped me to a large extent.

How Would You Improve Your Ability To Persuade Someone?

Every skill has professionals and experts who have mattered the techniques in their field and these experts share their knowledge using different method of teaching to help improve others in the skill. I'll improve my persuasive ability by reading some books , watch some videos and listen to some podcast. Most importantly I'll get a mentor too who'll be checking my progress.


Persuasion is an effective tool for teaching, imparting and even selling. It is an important skill that can be used in everyday activities both in the family, school, work or business places. It is necessary for one to improve one's Persuasion skills for one to really perform effectively in one's area of specialization.

Thanks for reading, upvoting and engaging. I really appreciate it.


Yep, totally agree with you. Our family is the first group of people who teach us how to negotiate and persuade. Obviously, we often don't realize this, but we are constantly putting these skills into practice with the people around us.


Exactly! Thanks for your input.
